WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.
I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.
My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health
I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.
My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Break
I thought I would officially announce that I am done with Tri 4 and now on break. Isn't amazing that I started this blog just starting the Tri and now it's done. So much information learned and shared, I loved it. I will be on Break for the next three weeks, enjoying time with my family and hopefully soon our little boy expected any day now. I also wanted to mention that the blog has hit the 500 view mark. I think that is awesome. I want to thank everyone and hope you enjoyed the information. Next Tri will be filled with some more incredible information. It will be a lot, but doing this blog keeps me motivated and tuned in with the material. Enjoy your Christmas holiday and break everyone
Friday, December 3, 2010
Middle Ear Infection
There are some great pediatric information out there when it comes to natural homeopathic care. When it comes to little kids, it scares me when medication or surgery is mentioned as primary care when there are several more options out there and more likely a solution. I hope to learn and share much more on pediatric care in the future
Question: What is the most common condition that I child is taken to see a doctor?
Answer: Middle Ear Infection
Question: What is often given for this condition?
Answer: Antibiotics
Question: What is the most effective care for an ear infection
Answer: Chiropractic care
I just put that Q/A to show that for the most common condition, the wrong solution (or at least the least effective solution) is given when chiropractic care is proven to be most effective. And I would like to share how. There are 4 causes for a middle ear infection.
Question: What is the most common condition that I child is taken to see a doctor?
Answer: Middle Ear Infection
Question: What is often given for this condition?
Answer: Antibiotics
Question: What is the most effective care for an ear infection
Answer: Chiropractic care
I just put that Q/A to show that for the most common condition, the wrong solution (or at least the least effective solution) is given when chiropractic care is proven to be most effective. And I would like to share how. There are 4 causes for a middle ear infection.
- Infection - this can be bacterial or viral
- Allergy - Dairy is #1 cause (surprise, surprise)
- Mechanical Obstruction - either a blocked Eustachian tube which can cultivate an infection, or a blocked nerve supply which can decrease resistance to an infection
- Poor Nutrition - kids are eating too much sugar and fatty acids which feeds infections
So lets look at the usual solution- Antibiotics. There are a few things to understand about antibiotics.
- They get overused - I am not against antibiotics as long as they are used at necessary times. Unfortunately, antibiotics are overused and dramatically lose there effectiveness. This overuse can create resistance from pathogens, and it may work once or twice, but they then will lead to recurrent infections. The pathogen will gain resistance making harder for our body to fight the infection.
- They effect the immune system - I'm looking for the right words to explain this, but simply they weaken our immune system. Our immune system is a progressing, intelligent system that defends our body from pathogens. Our own immune system has the capability to fight off most infections. And each time it fights off a pathogen, it recognizes and has the capability to always fight off that pathogen, and progresses and becomes stronger. If we never allow our immune system to function as it should, by taking antibiotics all the time, our own defense will be weakened.
- They provide an infectious environment - Antibiotics also have a negative result that can have serious complications if we are not careful. Yes, they do kill off the bacteria, but they kill all bacteria in the process. The good and the bad. First off, we need most of the bacteria that is in and on our body. Not only do they provide nutrients and vitamins that we need and use, they also suppress the bad bacteria or at least keep them contained. If we kill off the good bacteria with the bad bacteria, it provides an environment for the bad bacteria to later thrive. If antibiotics are necessary, it is important to take Probiotics afterward to repopulate our body with the good bacteria that is needed.
Understanding the four causes of a middle ear infection, two of them are nutritional factors in which antibiotics have no effect. Only chiropractic care can effect all areas of concern. Here are some helpful keys to management
- Eliminate Dairy and Sugar - this covers the nutritional aspect right off the bat. We need to eliminate sugar in all times of infections and illness which feeds that pathogen and also suppresses the immune system. Dairy is also the #1 cause of allergy and often over looked. It may not be the cause, but it should be one of the first things to look into to see if it may be a factor. Mothers who are nursing need to be mindful of what they are eating, as it can be passed on to the baby which may be the cause. What the mother eats can be passed on through her milk within 6 hours.
- Ear Drop Remedies - There are several home remedies out there. A couple oils used are often Tea Tree Oil or Grapefruit Seed Extract. They have similar actions as antibiotics, but there are some differences. They not only kill off bacteria, but they also support the immune system. They are not as strong as antibiotics, and so they are not the solution to an infection, but rather a helpful aid to the immune system, helping the body fight off the infection. Also note that probiotics can be taken as well, even if antibiotics aren't taken. They still have a great effect in suppressing the growth of the bad bacteria.
- Chiropractic Adjustment - A chiropractic adjustment has the greatest effect on a middle ear infection than anything else. And it's not hard to see why. The nervous system is the master system to the immune system. If the nervous system is effected, there is a direct correlation to a weakened immune system. A chiropractic adjustment restores nerve function, thus restrengthening the immune system to properly and efficiently respond to the infection. Kids respond very well to the adjustment and great results are seen. I have seen them myself.
If we are to take back our health, our mindset has to change. The current model is not working. We are looking for a quick fix. If we see a bug, we want to kill it. If we are sick, we want to destroy the illness. Maybe we need to take a step back. When taking care of my grass once and fighting off weeds, I was told that the best thing to do is support the grass instead of focusing just on the weeds. Maybe we need to stop focusing on just the infection, and rather support and have faith in our own innate defense, our immune system.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
World Diabetes Day - A Day of Hope
November 14th was World Diabetes Day- which I just happened to have a pageful of notes looking into Diabetes. The two classes had a very different look into the subject- but one thing stood out very clear. It is an increasing problem, and the standard care is not sufficient. 13 Million people are affected in the United States which causes 35,000 deaths annually- making it the seventh leading cause of death in the US. It is a matter that needs to be looked at. I just wanted to share a general information about diabetes mellitus- and what can be done that not many people know about.
Type 1 Diabetes- This is often a childhood development in which insulin is not produced from the pancreas. Insulin is important for glucose transportation into the cells. This can be a genetic disposition or be caused be a viral infection, but most likely it is an auto-immune disease in which the body attacks certain proteins which have similar structures to the cells that produce Insulin, and therefore the cells get destroyed too. There are certain proteins found in cows milk that can trigger the attack - showing an association with milk and juvenile diabetes.
Diabetes is very serious and hard to manage. Often very serious complications occur, commonly neuropathy of the feet which then can lead to other conditions such as blindness, coma, and death. In fact, doctors label it as "Incurable" - You really believe this is incurable? The standard care is insulin shots with a poor suggested diet that has very little effect when there are obvious alternatives that have proven to eliminate diabetes. To get my point, you may need to read to what I am not saying more than what I am saying (Hint: What I am not saying is the Medical Profession is a business. What I am not saying is that there are proof of alternatives and the American Medical doesn't want to accept it. What I am not saying is that each insulin prescribed, each oral medication taken, each beta blocker given is money in their pockets. What I am not saying is that it is hard to let a profitable business die out)
It was just today that I thought, if it is the pancreas that has been effected- what if there was something that could help support the pancreas. I've heard of liver support and adrenal support, it just seemed reasonable to provide support to the pancreas. That's when I saw this website- http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FKA/is_n4_v58/ai_18178322/ I am not suggesting gymnema sylvestre exactly, but rather to show that even though a cure looks bleak- there are alternatives out there to look into that may provide an answer and more importantly- HOPE
Type 2 Diabetes - This is a less severe type that is often diagnosed later in adults. In Type 2, there is insulin, but the receptors on the cells are resistant to it. This type is easier to manage and not as severe, but sadly this is often mismanaged with a poor diet restriction and insulin shots. This mistreatment from both the patient and the care provider can easily induce serious complications as well. The standard diet given to a diabetic consists of 20% protein, 40% fat, and 40% carbs. In your mind, I want you to circle the 40% fat- really? 40%? the China Study http://www.hidden-diabetes-cures.com/index.html focuses more on a fat intake problem than a carbohydrate problem. This makes sense when understanding that this isn't an insulin problem, it's a resistance problem and understanding what may cause the resistance. Research shows that muscle lipids are associated insulin resistance- along with several studies done eliminating fat instead of carbohydates.
One book suggestion is Dr. Fuhrman's, Eat To Live. A very recommended book. His suggestion is not a low carb diet, but rather a high carb diet. This doesn't make practical sense to a diabetic, but we have to understand that this isn't a carbohydrate problem, this is a fat problem. Here is a list of a suggested diet. The first two points are key and the rest are added additional support
Type 1 Diabetes- This is often a childhood development in which insulin is not produced from the pancreas. Insulin is important for glucose transportation into the cells. This can be a genetic disposition or be caused be a viral infection, but most likely it is an auto-immune disease in which the body attacks certain proteins which have similar structures to the cells that produce Insulin, and therefore the cells get destroyed too. There are certain proteins found in cows milk that can trigger the attack - showing an association with milk and juvenile diabetes.
Diabetes is very serious and hard to manage. Often very serious complications occur, commonly neuropathy of the feet which then can lead to other conditions such as blindness, coma, and death. In fact, doctors label it as "Incurable" - You really believe this is incurable? The standard care is insulin shots with a poor suggested diet that has very little effect when there are obvious alternatives that have proven to eliminate diabetes. To get my point, you may need to read to what I am not saying more than what I am saying (Hint: What I am not saying is the Medical Profession is a business. What I am not saying is that there are proof of alternatives and the American Medical doesn't want to accept it. What I am not saying is that each insulin prescribed, each oral medication taken, each beta blocker given is money in their pockets. What I am not saying is that it is hard to let a profitable business die out)
It was just today that I thought, if it is the pancreas that has been effected- what if there was something that could help support the pancreas. I've heard of liver support and adrenal support, it just seemed reasonable to provide support to the pancreas. That's when I saw this website- http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FKA/is_n4_v58/ai_18178322/ I am not suggesting gymnema sylvestre exactly, but rather to show that even though a cure looks bleak- there are alternatives out there to look into that may provide an answer and more importantly- HOPE
Type 2 Diabetes - This is a less severe type that is often diagnosed later in adults. In Type 2, there is insulin, but the receptors on the cells are resistant to it. This type is easier to manage and not as severe, but sadly this is often mismanaged with a poor diet restriction and insulin shots. This mistreatment from both the patient and the care provider can easily induce serious complications as well. The standard diet given to a diabetic consists of 20% protein, 40% fat, and 40% carbs. In your mind, I want you to circle the 40% fat- really? 40%? the China Study http://www.hidden-diabetes-cures.com/index.html focuses more on a fat intake problem than a carbohydrate problem. This makes sense when understanding that this isn't an insulin problem, it's a resistance problem and understanding what may cause the resistance. Research shows that muscle lipids are associated insulin resistance- along with several studies done eliminating fat instead of carbohydates.
One book suggestion is Dr. Fuhrman's, Eat To Live. A very recommended book. His suggestion is not a low carb diet, but rather a high carb diet. This doesn't make practical sense to a diabetic, but we have to understand that this isn't a carbohydrate problem, this is a fat problem. Here is a list of a suggested diet. The first two points are key and the rest are added additional support
- Greens- fruits and veggies, especially the leafy green veggies are the main source of carbohydrates necessary, along with antioxidents and immune support and fiber
- Beans- contain lignins that bind to sugar to effectively reduce blood sugar levels
- Chromium- this takes several months to take effect, but it increases insulin sensitivity
- Vanadyl Sulfate- also increases insulin sensitivity
- Cinnamon- a great source to lower blood glucose levels - http://diabetes.about.com/od/whatsonthehorizon/qt/cinnamon.htm
- Magnesium- increases carbohydrate metabolism
- Garlic- decreases cholesterol and triglycerides
- Gymnema Sylvestre- reduces blood sugar levels and supports the pancreas
- Avoid refined sugars and starches and oils- we need to decrease fat
- Exercise- A known importance to a diabetic, but it has been shown that 10 min of exercise daily helps decrease glucose insulin
One last thing I wanted to share. There is a hope for diabetes. It has been shown to be "curable", even Type 1, but the information isn't readily out there. Here is a website to check out. http://www.rawfor30days.com/index4.html
Please look thru and share. It is vital information. This is what motivated me to try the raw diet for a week, and has helped me gain a greater appreciation and knowledge of our health choices. Our health choices have a great power and helps us be in control of our health again. There are some amazing results- and it is out there for us
Monday, November 15, 2010
This was from a special lecture from Curt Hamilton, the same doctor who spoke at the seminar on male and female hormones. This lecture was a very informative look into detoxification. This is very important to understand when it comes to the basics of chiropractics. We treat the physical stresses on the body, but we also need to treat the chemical stresses on the body. This is done mainly with proper nutrition and body awareness, but there are many toxins we are not only exposed to, but stay within us. It is important to detox ourselves from these harmful chemicals.
First, it is important to rid of the unwanted material in a proper timely fashion. This goes back to the concept with Estrogen. Any Estrogen taken in needs to eventually be put out. This goes with many things we take in our body and if they are not being rid of sufficiently, they will be released back into the bloodstream in toxic forms, often stored in fat cells and most likely forming cancer. There is no coincidence that at a time where cancer is so prevalent, almost common, that we are a society consuming and exposing ourselves to so many chemicals, from our food to our hair dyes to our make up. And that's added upon that we are exposed to constant stress which slows down our digestive metabolism, we lack necessary fiber in our diet, and we commonly suffer conditions that slow down our metabolism like Hypothyroid.
The main organ that helps our body rid of toxic waste is the liver. The liver is a vital organ that we take advantage of. It's like that friend that always bails us out after we make stupid choices. The liver uses a pathway to convert toxic materials into nontoxic forms that the body can either utilize or easily rid. An important part to this pathway is Glutothione. If the liver is unable to convert the toxins, due to toxin overload, they will get stored into our tissues. These toxins have a great effect on our body, often resulting in Obesity, Immunodeficiency, Chronic fatigue, Cancer, and several unexplained or chronic illnesses. There are some natural foods that can help us detox our body.
First, it is important to rid of the unwanted material in a proper timely fashion. This goes back to the concept with Estrogen. Any Estrogen taken in needs to eventually be put out. This goes with many things we take in our body and if they are not being rid of sufficiently, they will be released back into the bloodstream in toxic forms, often stored in fat cells and most likely forming cancer. There is no coincidence that at a time where cancer is so prevalent, almost common, that we are a society consuming and exposing ourselves to so many chemicals, from our food to our hair dyes to our make up. And that's added upon that we are exposed to constant stress which slows down our digestive metabolism, we lack necessary fiber in our diet, and we commonly suffer conditions that slow down our metabolism like Hypothyroid.
The main organ that helps our body rid of toxic waste is the liver. The liver is a vital organ that we take advantage of. It's like that friend that always bails us out after we make stupid choices. The liver uses a pathway to convert toxic materials into nontoxic forms that the body can either utilize or easily rid. An important part to this pathway is Glutothione. If the liver is unable to convert the toxins, due to toxin overload, they will get stored into our tissues. These toxins have a great effect on our body, often resulting in Obesity, Immunodeficiency, Chronic fatigue, Cancer, and several unexplained or chronic illnesses. There are some natural foods that can help us detox our body.
- Improving Gastrointestinal function
Limit stress in our lives (exercise), a Fiber rich diet, cruciferous veggies, and Apple Cider Vinegar
2. Support the Liver
Milk Thistle, Hepatic-trophorestoration, Tumeric, Garlic, Green Tea, Spanish Black Radish
3. Increase Glutothione
Whey Protein, Red Clover, Rosemary, Sage
There are several other things that can help improve the detoxification pathway and support our liver. It basically comes down to eating proper nutrition, limit stress, and exercise. It may need to include more when it comes to the specifics. Many of these things mentioned have their specific properties that can do great things. Spanish Black Radish has been used to fight off cancerous agents, as well as Tumeric has been used to protect the liver from smoking chemicals. There are also certain diet protocols that can be used that have seen great results, you can look up Standard Process for their protocol. I enjoyed the lecture, and it is something I would enjoy looking into and learning more to utilize in my office and with my patients. Too many people are going around not really sick, but just not feeling well. We have overloaded our body with toxins. We need to Remove and Restore our body back to how it should be, to start feeling GOOD again.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Recipes To Try
For a while now I've been wanting to post any recipes that might be fun to try. I believe many people want to eat healthier, but two problems occur. First, they don't buy the right things and so they eat what they buy. Second, they don't know any good recipes, or like me, think that any healthy recipe is worth skipping. As I have mentioned before, I have been trying to look for new recipes, healthy or not, and see what I can do to make it healthy or to just try them. There have been two that I have been wanting to try and I did tonight, one very healthy and the other not so much, but beats the alternatives.
No Sugar Chocolate Recipe (Got this from a fellow student so I just copied is notes- this is a very good recipe as it is and healthy. For my extra taste, I even added some coconut to it. Loved it. It's a little time consuming, but great to make for get together, especially to eat with fruits like strawberries, pineapples and bananas. It's good enough to be proud to say you made it, and to add that its good for you)
1 bar of 100% organic cacao (I got all my ingredients at central market)
1 can of organic coconut milk...full fat
3/4 cup ground flax seed
2 or 3 tablespoons of fresh ground cinnamon
1/4 cup raw honey
little paper baking cups
Remember...we do not want a lot of heat, just enough to melt and mix. As such, I fill a pot with water and put my sauce pan on top, so as to steam the bottom of the sauce pan.
Melt chocolate first and then add ingredients and mix with a spatula.
Pour finished product into a measuring cup (to facilitate the pour....:).. and distribute to baking cups (optional)
Refrigerate or freeze
Homemade Ranch Dressing (Got this from the Food Nanny. It's not all healthy, but beats the alternatives that add sugars, gums, and preservatives and who knows what else. Home made is always better and this is a great recipe. I was surprised by how well it turned out. This is a good example of what people can do to eat healthier. If we learn that something isn't good for us, don't get discouraged, just learn how to make it yourself and you have control of how healthy it can be)
¾ cup mayonasse
½ cup buttermilk
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp pressed garlic
¼ tsp oregano
½ tsp minced onion
¼ tsp salt
Mix all ingredients in a blender- store in a tight container up to 1 wk (since it has no preservative, it is better to make in smaller quantities)
Hopefully this helps, or least gets some people thinking of what they can do to try new recipes. There are plenty more recipes out there, that can be healthy, but doesn't have to taste "healthy". If there are any to share, please feel free. I would love to try more.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Would you rather have a Heart Attack or Calcium?
Here is a link to an article recently published. Now we can truly see the Diary Company's agenda.
"The department acknowledged that cheese is high in saturated fat, but said that lower milk consumption had made cheese an important source of calcium."
Cheese an important source of calcium? They pretty much acknowledge that cheese is bad for you and can cause heart disease . . . but it's okay because it has a little bit of calcium for our diet. So does Kale and Spinach, but I don't see them causing heart failure in our society. Seriously
"The department acknowledged that cheese is high in saturated fat, but said that lower milk consumption had made cheese an important source of calcium."
Cheese an important source of calcium? They pretty much acknowledge that cheese is bad for you and can cause heart disease . . . but it's okay because it has a little bit of calcium for our diet. So does Kale and Spinach, but I don't see them causing heart failure in our society. Seriously
About two months ago, I decided to try the Health Questionnaire Appraisal and see the effects. I took the questionnaire, which was categorized eleven groups with each one having several subgroups. I felt healthy and I felt like I was in good condition and ate well. And I believe the questionnaire shares the same results. There was no big surprise. In adding up the points and putting them on the graph, there weren't any that reached High Priority. However, there were a handful that did enter into the Moderate Priority range with Adrenals and Dysglycemia being my two highest scores. I was curious to see how changing my diet would effect these areas of concern.
I didn't have any High Priority marks, so I didn't feel any need to be real strict, but I did want to make an effort. One thing I wanted to try was a Raw diet, eating all uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts. This was quite the experience. Unfortunately, I didn't make it completely. After the first day, I felt hungry, cold, and not well. I knew there would be some symptoms as my body cleansed itself from the toxic chemicals as it replaced it with the proper nutrients, but I just didn't have the will power. I still ate 90% raw, but my dinner had a small portion of some sort of prepare chicken. I just needed something a little more solid at the end of the day. However, the next couple days were interesting. The raw vegetables that I often avoided began to actually be tasteful. I often made smoothies with fruit (which I would usually would add sugar to sweeten it). After a couple smoothies without any sugar added, the smoothies began to taste sweet on their own. My body began to taste and even crave the natural flavors again.
After the week of eating raw, I wanted to introduce more healthy choices. The next week, I bought all Whole Grain bread, pasta, and flour and replaced it with the regular pasta and flour in our meals. The next week, I bought some Coconut Oil in which I blogged about and was very satisfied. And last week, I bought some Stevia (a natural sugar from the Stevia plant) to replace regular sugar. That is what it is all about. I believe people look at changing their diet and read about what they should be eating and they get overwhelmed. No one should dramatically replace their diet in a day, but do it little by little. Try little things and see how they are, and stick with it and you try a little bit more. There are some simple things that can help maintain a healthier diet.
I didn't have any High Priority marks, so I didn't feel any need to be real strict, but I did want to make an effort. One thing I wanted to try was a Raw diet, eating all uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts. This was quite the experience. Unfortunately, I didn't make it completely. After the first day, I felt hungry, cold, and not well. I knew there would be some symptoms as my body cleansed itself from the toxic chemicals as it replaced it with the proper nutrients, but I just didn't have the will power. I still ate 90% raw, but my dinner had a small portion of some sort of prepare chicken. I just needed something a little more solid at the end of the day. However, the next couple days were interesting. The raw vegetables that I often avoided began to actually be tasteful. I often made smoothies with fruit (which I would usually would add sugar to sweeten it). After a couple smoothies without any sugar added, the smoothies began to taste sweet on their own. My body began to taste and even crave the natural flavors again.
After the week of eating raw, I wanted to introduce more healthy choices. The next week, I bought all Whole Grain bread, pasta, and flour and replaced it with the regular pasta and flour in our meals. The next week, I bought some Coconut Oil in which I blogged about and was very satisfied. And last week, I bought some Stevia (a natural sugar from the Stevia plant) to replace regular sugar. That is what it is all about. I believe people look at changing their diet and read about what they should be eating and they get overwhelmed. No one should dramatically replace their diet in a day, but do it little by little. Try little things and see how they are, and stick with it and you try a little bit more. There are some simple things that can help maintain a healthier diet.
- Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in each meal. I have made a greater effort this last month to always take multiple fruits and vegetables for lunch, and make it a rule to eat my fruit and vegetables before anything else. I haven't been perfect on that, but I have been eating my fruits and vegetables more often
- Change how you shop. I think this is key, and I got this idea from my wife when she told me that she now spends more time in the produce section than anywhere else in the store. I believe that is key. To change our eating habits, we need to change what we eat. To change what we eat, we need to change what is available in our home. To change what is available, we need to change what we buy. Spend more time in the produce section and bulk up on the fruits and vegetables, and then quickly pick up any accessory items.
- Learn about each fruit and vegetable. This may be due to me taking Nutrition class, but I think it can help if someone puts the effort. I know I have enjoyed the knowledge of what I am putting in my body. This can be done one by one, learn about a certain fruit and as you eat it, review in your mind what nutritional benefit it has for you. I think it is important in learning about a great variety of fruits and vegetables. There are so many out there that people don't know about. Go explore.
- Eat at home. This will not only save you from the unhealthy food from eating out, but it can also save you money. Also, this will help expand your knowledge of food and give you better control of healthy options. I have enjoyed finding recipes that I would like to try and look to see what I can change to make it healthier. I often make home made pizza on the weekend. Not only has this saved us from the unhealthy take out pizza (We haven't ordered pizza for almost a year) but it gives me control of healthy options. I have been adding more peppers and other vegetables as toppings, and two weeks ago I made it with Wheat flour which surprisingly the kids ate it up without knowing any difference. Eating at home gives us great control of our healthy choices.
So after almost two months of trying different healthy options, what are the results? I would like to post the graph some how, I will try to find out how, but I have retaken the questionnaire and the results are amazing. The two main categories, Adrenals and Dysglycemiaimpact on the quality of our life. Lets Get Back to Health
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hypertension is becoming common in society, so much that they are changing what is normal. And what is given for this from the medical world? In an instant, beta blockers are given to lower blood pressure and statins are given to decrease cholesterol. Not only are these only 30% effective, they also present very serious and significant side effects. How about methods that are 100% effective without any negative side effects? Here is what we can do to prevent and reduce hypertension
- Diet- This is a vegetarian or a near vegetarian diet (or simply eliminating refine carbs and animal protein). Sadly, this often turns people away and towards drugs, all because they don't want to change. But it is necessary. Diet alone can reduce hypertension dramatically. A vegetarian or a near vegetarian diet not only provides nutritional components that will lower blood pressure, but will also reduce body weight and improve our Potassium to Sodium levels which also have effects on our blood pressure. But simple changes can make a great impact. It has been shown that eating 2 carrots a day will reduce cholesterol levels, and also eating 4 oz (one stalk) of celery will lower blood pressure. Changing our diet alone will do greater good in our blood pressure than any drug.
- Chiropractic Adjustment- This blog is more than just chiropractic, but I can't ignore the fact that an adjustment has a great effect on lowering blood pressure. There are plenty of videos and articles out there, but here is just one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBwJIZTq8Yg&feature=fvw
- Exercise- low intense/high repetition exercise is best (walking for an hour is better than running for 30 minutes)
- Supplements- These include taking a good multivitamin, omega-3, and Coenzyme-Q10
- Herbs-Tthere are some great herbs we can include in our diet, including garlic, abana, and coleus root
Monday, November 1, 2010
Osteoporosis Is A Good Thing?
Yes, Osteoporosis is a good thing . . . well, considering the alternative- Death. I state it this way to first attract attention, but also to show how our body truly works. As I have mentioned before, we need to maintain a proper balance to function. One balance we need is a good Calcium to Phosphorus ratio, which is about 2.5 :1. We need a little more than double the amount of Calcium than Phosphorus. When this ratio is altered, meaning if we have more Phosphorus than Calcium, it is toxic to our body. So what does our body do? It brings in more Calcium. Where does it get more Calcium? 99% of our Calcium is stored in our bones. The excess Phosphorus activates the parathyroid which then sends Parathyroid Hormone to take Calcium out of our bones. It is a life saving mechanism, unfortunately at the expense of our bone tissue.
So the simple thing to do would be to drink more milk, right? (pretend that you didn't read my blog on Dairy) Cow's milk has plenty of Calcium, but sadly it also has plenty of Phosphorus, almost a 1:1 ratio along with excess protein, counteracting the Calcium. Research has shown that those who drank more milk (3 extra glasses a day) showed no reduction of bone loss. But isn't Calcium good for our bones? Think of it this way. Imagine a hole in the ground, and it is your job to fill it up. You keep putting in dirt, shovel after shovel, but after an hour you look in and the hole looks the same. So you shovel in more and more dirt as fast as you can. After another hour you look in the hole and it's still as big as it was originally. Finally you look up and at the other side, you see someone shoveling dirt out of the hole. That is what we are doing to our bodies, especially concerning our Calcium intake. We don't need much Calcium (400 mg/day) to maintain strong bones. It's not that we don't have enough to fill the hole, it's what we are doing to take it back out. There are several things in our diet that is taking the calcium out. Let's take a look at a few
So the simple thing to do would be to drink more milk, right? (pretend that you didn't read my blog on Dairy) Cow's milk has plenty of Calcium, but sadly it also has plenty of Phosphorus, almost a 1:1 ratio along with excess protein, counteracting the Calcium. Research has shown that those who drank more milk (3 extra glasses a day) showed no reduction of bone loss. But isn't Calcium good for our bones? Think of it this way. Imagine a hole in the ground, and it is your job to fill it up. You keep putting in dirt, shovel after shovel, but after an hour you look in and the hole looks the same. So you shovel in more and more dirt as fast as you can. After another hour you look in the hole and it's still as big as it was originally. Finally you look up and at the other side, you see someone shoveling dirt out of the hole. That is what we are doing to our bodies, especially concerning our Calcium intake. We don't need much Calcium (400 mg/day) to maintain strong bones. It's not that we don't have enough to fill the hole, it's what we are doing to take it back out. There are several things in our diet that is taking the calcium out. Let's take a look at a few
- Animal Protein- A China Study has shown that women in china who had lower calcium intake had stronger bones. But their diet also showed that they consumed less protein, especially Animal Protein. Of their total protein, only 7% was from animal. In the USA, about 70% is from animal. Big difference. Our animal meat proportions have grown out of hand
- Excess Phosphorus- contained in animal proteins which stimulates the parathyroid hormone
- Tobacco- women who smoke reach menopause about 5 years earlier (we'll discuss the significance of this)
- Alcohol/Caffeine- dissolves bone, increases Calcium excretion
- Antibiotics- increases Calcium excretion
- Corticosteroids- decreases Calcium absorption
- Hyperthyroid- excess thyroxin increases Calcium excretion
So what can we do to help maintain good bone quality?
- Eat Vegetables- Green leafy vegetables are great sources of Calcium and also prevent bone loss.
- Vitamin D- increases Calcium absorption
- Vitamin K- decreases Calcium excretion
- Vitamin B6- helps with production of Progesterone.
- Moderate protein intake
- Avoid alcohol/smoking/caffeine
- Exercise- weight bearing exercise strengthens bones (research has shown that 50 jumps/day has great effect on bone strength)
I do not suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy, but there are things that can help maintain proper hormone balance. This is important. Estrogen has been shown to slow down osteoporosis, but it doesn't stop it. Progesterone has been shown to increase bone growth. Women in menopause (decrease in estrogen and progesterone) are at greater risk. The loss of these two hormones increases the rate of bone loss dramatically. Let's stop digging ourselves in a hole, and lets help out our body instead of putting it into position to choose Osteoporosis over Death.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What To Do For A Cough
A friend just posted on their facebook "Does anyone know a good remedy for a cough for my little one?"
I would like to share my own thoughts but then leave it for an open discussion. It is a good question, especially for a first time mother or anyone else tired of running their kids to the emergency room or waiting for hours to see a pediatrician. There are several remedies out there, some work well and some don't. One thing to remember that medicine forgets is that we are individual people with individual symptoms. We need to take care of the person as a whole, and not just as a symptom to cure. There are different types of coughs and not everyone reacts the same to the same remedies. Here is what my wife and I have experienced and learned thus far
The first thing to do is the remove anything that may be an agent to the illness. This mostly involves Sugars, which feeds the pathogen. If they are congested, the best thing to do is remove all dairy and other mucus forming foods like banana.
The second thing is to give them supplements or herbs that help support the body and immune system and fights off the infection. A great product we have been trying recently is a company called Wish Garden Herbs. They have several types dealing with different issues. One is Deep Lung, another is Kick-Ass Cough, and another is Kick-Ass Immune. We have seen good results with this, but the cough is relieved temporarily. We have just tried another product from Standard Process called Broncafect. It comes in a liquid form and a pill form. Our kids have been dealing with a mild persistent cough for 5 days recently. We gave them both two pills yesterday, and their cough is gone.
The third is to use other remedies that may help the conditions. These are things like keeping them in the bathroom while running steaming hot water in the bathtub which will help open the respiratory tract. One thing is to use essential oils. We often heard of using Vicks on their chest on soles of their feet, but we have now been using a mixture of natural oils and rubbing it on their chest. One great oil to have is Lavender. It has great affects, mainly it is a calming oil especially to help kids sleep. It also has shown to help build up the immune system in our body. A few other things to keep in mind. Make sure they are getting plenty of sleep, plenty of water, and also to have them take a Multivitamin every day and even a Vitamin C supplement to help the immune system.
Please share your ideas and remedies that you have come across. Your input will help others. The worst feeling is having a sick child and not knowing how to help them. With our input together, not only will we have the knowledge of how to care for our little ones, but also have the confidence in what we are doing
I would like to share my own thoughts but then leave it for an open discussion. It is a good question, especially for a first time mother or anyone else tired of running their kids to the emergency room or waiting for hours to see a pediatrician. There are several remedies out there, some work well and some don't. One thing to remember that medicine forgets is that we are individual people with individual symptoms. We need to take care of the person as a whole, and not just as a symptom to cure. There are different types of coughs and not everyone reacts the same to the same remedies. Here is what my wife and I have experienced and learned thus far
The first thing to do is the remove anything that may be an agent to the illness. This mostly involves Sugars, which feeds the pathogen. If they are congested, the best thing to do is remove all dairy and other mucus forming foods like banana.
The second thing is to give them supplements or herbs that help support the body and immune system and fights off the infection. A great product we have been trying recently is a company called Wish Garden Herbs. They have several types dealing with different issues. One is Deep Lung, another is Kick-Ass Cough, and another is Kick-Ass Immune. We have seen good results with this, but the cough is relieved temporarily. We have just tried another product from Standard Process called Broncafect. It comes in a liquid form and a pill form. Our kids have been dealing with a mild persistent cough for 5 days recently. We gave them both two pills yesterday, and their cough is gone.
The third is to use other remedies that may help the conditions. These are things like keeping them in the bathroom while running steaming hot water in the bathtub which will help open the respiratory tract. One thing is to use essential oils. We often heard of using Vicks on their chest on soles of their feet, but we have now been using a mixture of natural oils and rubbing it on their chest. One great oil to have is Lavender. It has great affects, mainly it is a calming oil especially to help kids sleep. It also has shown to help build up the immune system in our body. A few other things to keep in mind. Make sure they are getting plenty of sleep, plenty of water, and also to have them take a Multivitamin every day and even a Vitamin C supplement to help the immune system.
Please share your ideas and remedies that you have come across. Your input will help others. The worst feeling is having a sick child and not knowing how to help them. With our input together, not only will we have the knowledge of how to care for our little ones, but also have the confidence in what we are doing
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Milk - It Doesn't Do A Body Good
I'm not much of a milk drinker, and I never really have been. But I often poor it on my cereal or use it as an ingredient. I use butter more frequently than I should, and don't get me started on ice cream. Dairy is everywhere. It has been placed as one of the main food groups in the recent years. Growing up, it has always been encouraged to drink your milk. Campaigns have ingrained into everyone that "Milk does a body good" I'm afraid it doesn't
The media in several forms has painted a picture that certainly has no foundation. We are told one thing while the research clearly demonstrates the opposite. There's no debate. This is no vague topic, it is clear cut. Milk does the body great harm.
Now when I say milk, I am referring primarily to Cow's milk in all it's several forms. It can be regular, whole, 1%, 2%, skim, unpasteurized and especially Milk based Baby Formula. Let me explain a few points that might make light on some issues. Some (even myself) may ask, people have been drinking milk for centuries. True . . . however, there are some differences especially the last 100 years and even in the recent years. First, people used several different sources of milk, not just cow milk, usually goat milk, coconut milk, or rice milk. Second, milk wasn't consumed as much as it is now. I thought of my wife who grew up in Haiti and had a few cows on their land. She explained that they rarely had milk, and if they did, they usually boiled it into a pot and made things out of it, very rarely would they drink the actual milk straight. Third, milk is being massed produced today. Meaning the cows are fed cheaper foods and given hormones to produce more milk. It is only in the last century that milk has been promoted has a health benefit and we have all fallen for it.
Think about it, does a pig naturally drink cows milk, does a dog drink goats milk? No, goat's milk is meant for a growing kid (a baby goat), and cows milk is meant for a growing calf . . . not for a growing child. A human mother's milk has very different components than cows milk, and rightly so. A cows milk is to help the calf grow into a large animal . . . and we are drinking it. Human milk has Human Growth Hormone adequate for a growing child, and cows milk has Bovine Growth Hormone meant for a growing calf. Cows milk also contains 3 times more protein than is necessary and is acidic, while human milk is alkaline. But don't we need milk for our Calcium? Sadly, the truth is no, milk is a poor source of calcium. It is true that cows milk does have 4 times more calcium than human milk, which initially looks like a great source. Unfortunately the Dairy ads don't state the cows milk also have 7 times more Phosphorus. Why is this important? In our body, we need a calcium-phosphorus ratio of 2.5:1. The ratio in cows milk is 1.3:1. When this ratio is altered to the phosphorus side, the Parathyroid Hormone is activated to increase the Calcium levels back to a normal ratio. Where does the calcium come from? From our bones- this is what we call Osteoporosis. Sadly, this is just the beginning. Milk is associated with a long list of diseases and illnesses. I don't have time to explain each one, but if there are any questions or thoughts, please ask and I will share more information. Here is just a few:
The media in several forms has painted a picture that certainly has no foundation. We are told one thing while the research clearly demonstrates the opposite. There's no debate. This is no vague topic, it is clear cut. Milk does the body great harm.
Now when I say milk, I am referring primarily to Cow's milk in all it's several forms. It can be regular, whole, 1%, 2%, skim, unpasteurized and especially Milk based Baby Formula. Let me explain a few points that might make light on some issues. Some (even myself) may ask, people have been drinking milk for centuries. True . . . however, there are some differences especially the last 100 years and even in the recent years. First, people used several different sources of milk, not just cow milk, usually goat milk, coconut milk, or rice milk. Second, milk wasn't consumed as much as it is now. I thought of my wife who grew up in Haiti and had a few cows on their land. She explained that they rarely had milk, and if they did, they usually boiled it into a pot and made things out of it, very rarely would they drink the actual milk straight. Third, milk is being massed produced today. Meaning the cows are fed cheaper foods and given hormones to produce more milk. It is only in the last century that milk has been promoted has a health benefit and we have all fallen for it.
Think about it, does a pig naturally drink cows milk, does a dog drink goats milk? No, goat's milk is meant for a growing kid (a baby goat), and cows milk is meant for a growing calf . . . not for a growing child. A human mother's milk has very different components than cows milk, and rightly so. A cows milk is to help the calf grow into a large animal . . . and we are drinking it. Human milk has Human Growth Hormone adequate for a growing child, and cows milk has Bovine Growth Hormone meant for a growing calf. Cows milk also contains 3 times more protein than is necessary and is acidic, while human milk is alkaline. But don't we need milk for our Calcium? Sadly, the truth is no, milk is a poor source of calcium. It is true that cows milk does have 4 times more calcium than human milk, which initially looks like a great source. Unfortunately the Dairy ads don't state the cows milk also have 7 times more Phosphorus. Why is this important? In our body, we need a calcium-phosphorus ratio of 2.5:1. The ratio in cows milk is 1.3:1. When this ratio is altered to the phosphorus side, the Parathyroid Hormone is activated to increase the Calcium levels back to a normal ratio. Where does the calcium come from? From our bones- this is what we call Osteoporosis. Sadly, this is just the beginning. Milk is associated with a long list of diseases and illnesses. I don't have time to explain each one, but if there are any questions or thoughts, please ask and I will share more information. Here is just a few:
- Gastrointestinal bleeding- especially in infants
- Iron deficiency
- Type 1 Diabetes- mostly juvenile
- Cataracts
- Pancreatic cancer
- Autism
- Prostate cancer
- Breast cancer- important to note the prostate cancer is the most common in men and breast cancer is the most common in women.
- Decreased average age of menstruation- the average not long ago used to be about 16, now it is close to 11
- Allergies
- Atherosclerosis- this is one thing I wanted to point out since I blogged about this not long ago. Arterial disease has been seen recently with people fed cows milk as infants (formula). This is due to the homogenization, which breaks down the fat in milk so small that it passes thru into the blood stream
- Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (Lou Gerhig's Disease)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
What a list . . . and all we are told is that it does a body good. Is milk the cause to all these conditions? For several, no, milk is not the cause, but there is a significant association with each one. Research has shown that though there isn't a cause and effect, there are things contained in the milk that provides an environment for all these conditions, and when Dairy is taken out of the diet . . . the symptoms are removed as well. Research after research has been done all confirming the results.
I don't share this to cause a stir, or to "fight against the conspiracy". I share it because it is important to become aware. There are thousands of people who are suffering from these conditions (several of them are unknowingly) and it is dramatically increasing. They are all told there is nothing to help them, or are given drugs to control but not eliminate their conditions. Is milk the only cause for autism? No, but don't you think it would be worth trying. And yet, no one is told that Dairy is the probability - most likely the possibility. I know, because it is real in my own family. Several years ago I wouldn't have thought twice about milk being a causative agent to illness. But both my kids, especially my son had terrible respiratory problems. When we were told to remove dairy from his diet, it seemed odd to me. But I have seen the results. We have made our milk source Soy milk, Almond milk, or Rice milk. Do we need to be rid of dairy completely (even my favorite Rocky Road Ice Cream)? I may have a lenient perspective, but no, I don't think it needs to be eliminated completely. If it is, the better, but we need to limit our intake, choose alternatives, and find better sources. We need to become aware of what we are truly eating (and drinking), and Do Our Body Good
Monday, October 25, 2010
More on ADD
I just wanted to share my experience today. The President of the school, Fabrizio Mancini, had a contest for the students and one student would be picked to take his place for the day. It just so happens that the student picked was my good friend, which there couldn't have been a better choice. The exciting part was that the President was to attend his classes. Today was the day. It was a fun experience. I joked about it, even before my friend got picked, but it was crazy to actually sit right next to and interact with the President like a student. He played the part well, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and with a backpack. He even came well prepared with a scantron- for the test we had first thing in the morning. I could sense some struggling on his part (I think he may even peeked a few times- jk). It was fun. I hope my friend survived his day of meetings.
I wanted to share a few things discussed today in class. It's hard to just pick one, but I will have plenty more to write later. In Neuro class we started discussing the part of the brain that secretes Serotonin. In this discussion we learned that all information going to the brain has to go through a part called the Thalamus. It receives all information and sends it to the different parts of the brain necessary. There is a certain part of the Thalamus that inhibits, mainly in a normal setting telling the Thalamus to stop sending out the information. If this part wasn't there, information would constantly be going to the brain without stopping. It would be information overload. Or some call it ADD. Serotonin helps keep that part of the Thalamus functioning. Those with low Serotonin levels don't activate that inhibitory part of the Thalamus, creating too much information to the brain, making it impossible for one to FOCUS.
What helps increase Serotonin- two answers were given
- Pain- This is important. If there is any pain, one immediately becomes well aware, focused and alert due to release of Serotonin
- Activity- Movement is a big part. There is a dramatic increase in ADD, especially in children. It's not hard to see why. What are kids activities these days? The top of the list usually includes TV and video games. And then they go to school and expect to sit in a desk for 7 hrs. And the teacher and parents wonder why their kid can't concentrate. If our activities include things that don't involve alot of motion and alertness, our brain is going to compensate and decrease the release of Serotonin. No need to make it if we aren't going to use it.
I thought this information was very helpful in understanding the Neurological aspect of ADD. Is it always the cause? My last post on this subject, I did give some factors to ADD. Those do play a role as well, possibly triggering the decrease Serotonin levels. I did ask about Stress, in which he said he would lecture on it later, but stated that Stress plays an important role in ADD as well.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Coconut Oil
The past couple weeks, I have been trying new things to incorporate more healthy choices in my diet. Yesterday, I picked up some Coconut oil and decided to try it out. I have heard many things in class and outside of class, and I was curious how it was. Here is my result. I tried it with frying plantains in which we usually cook in about an inch of vegetable of olive oil. Coconut oil is quite different. I found it in a bottle, like a water bottle, but in solid form. I had to try and scrape it out into the pan. I only used a little, hardly covering the entire surface of the pan, but it fried the plantains well. My conclusion- it was definitely different, but overall very satisfied. I had heard that the food does taste different. There was a faint distinct smell, and possibly a different texture to the plantains, but nothing horrid. In fact, the food did taste a little different, but maybe for the better. It was like I could taste more of the plantains. They came out more soft and sweet, than fried and crispy. From my experience, you get to taste more of the food when cooking with Coconut Oil . . . and that's a good thing.
So why was I trying Coconut Oil? Coconut oil has been known to contain a significant amount of Saturated Fats, often associated with atherosclerosis (This goes back to our discussion about Heart Disease) Other oils also contain many saturated fats. So why is Coconut oil healthy if it has saturated fats. Research has shown that the saturated fats contained in Coconut oil are Medium Chain Triglycerides. This is completely different from all other oils that contain more Long Chain Triglycerides. What is the difference? The medium chains are easily broken down and utilized, while the long chains are not and so they get stored. Coconut oil lowers LDL levels, while other oils increase LDL levels. Research has shown that nations and areas where there is a more coconut oil based diet, there are low rates of Heart Disease. There are other several health benefits that can't be found in other oils. Using Coconut oil over other oils will decrease LDL levels, decrease obesity, decrease inflammation responses, maintain better hormone balance, and decrease insulin resistance. It's worth it.
Here is a good article showing the results http://www.coconutoil.com/DayritCardiology.pdf
So why was I trying Coconut Oil? Coconut oil has been known to contain a significant amount of Saturated Fats, often associated with atherosclerosis (This goes back to our discussion about Heart Disease) Other oils also contain many saturated fats. So why is Coconut oil healthy if it has saturated fats. Research has shown that the saturated fats contained in Coconut oil are Medium Chain Triglycerides. This is completely different from all other oils that contain more Long Chain Triglycerides. What is the difference? The medium chains are easily broken down and utilized, while the long chains are not and so they get stored. Coconut oil lowers LDL levels, while other oils increase LDL levels. Research has shown that nations and areas where there is a more coconut oil based diet, there are low rates of Heart Disease. There are other several health benefits that can't be found in other oils. Using Coconut oil over other oils will decrease LDL levels, decrease obesity, decrease inflammation responses, maintain better hormone balance, and decrease insulin resistance. It's worth it.
Here is a good article showing the results http://www.coconutoil.com/DayritCardiology.pdf
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Silent Killer
Heart Disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States. The most common form is Atherosclerosis which accounts for 50% of all deaths in the western civilization. The sad thing is, like 90% of all diseases, this is a lifestyle problem. Heart Disease is not just a by luck coincidence. It is not a bug or virus that someone just happens to catch. It is not a contagious disease that can be prevented by washing our hands. Too often people think that heart disease is a problem they can easily avoid when they are actually one hamburger away from being a statistic. There are several theories on what causes atherosclerosis, but it comes down to a build up of plaque in the blood vessels due to accumulation of LDL (which we will consider as public enemy number one). LDL are fat carriers which transfers the fat you eat straight to the adipose (fat) cells. This buildup can cause even more serious problems. It can rupture, ulcerate, hemorrhage, calcify, form an aneurysm, or form a thrombus (a blockage in the vessel).
The Key is to understand the risk factors
The Key is to understand the risk factors
- Age- the older one is the greater the risk
- Gender- males are typically more at risk, however when a woman reaches menopause, her risk is about the same as the male. (It is believed that estrogen has a protective factor)
- Heredity- even though heart disease is a lifestyle problem, risks do run in the family. Possibly an enzyme that leads to hyperlipidemia (excess accumulation of fat- or high LDL levels)
- Diet- this is a big one. Our diets are high in saturated fats. This will be better understood when talking about prevention
- Obesity- I hate to put this on here, because this is the misconception that you have to be obese to have heart disease. Absolutely false. An obese person can have a better heart than a thin person. This is why heart disease sneaks up on people, believing they are healthy because they are not obese. However, obesity certainly is a risk factor.
- Diabetes and Hypertension- increases risk of heart disease
- Cigarette Smoking- 1 pack/day increases risk by 200%
More importantly, it is necessary to understand what can we do to prevent Heart Disease. As mentioned before, estrogen (at appropriate levels) has a protective factor. I have discussed before the importance of having healthy levels of estrogen, and this may add to the list of benefits. Another protection is exercise which I hope is understood without further comment. The last and most important is Diet. Like I said, the average diet contains high levels of saturated fats (Studies have shown a link between the introduction of vegetable oils and increased heart disease). Heart Disease is a disease of affluence. We have the freedom to choose any meat and how much meat. In countries where meat is not part of their daily meal, heart disease is dramatically low. We bathe our foods in fats and oils and other things. It has gotten to the point where we are no longer eating food, but rather we are eating a Product ("I just had Dominoes") Lets get back to eating food again, real food. Cases have shown that a diet with little or no meat and with more vegetable and fruits, heart disease has reversed itself. It's no miracle, its just the way our body was supposed to be
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
It's Amazing (Gotta say it the "Fab" way)
I had something else in mind to write about . . but I thought I would share my experience I had today. A couple days ago, I started to have something bothering my in my lower neck area. It wasn't painful, but seemed to be slightly restrictive, nothing I was worried about. I didn't pay much attention to it, but then today at noon, my shoulder on the same side started to give a dull achy feeling. My muscle began to feel tight, almost compressing and restricting my breathing. As the day progressed, the dull ache began to radiate over my shoulder and even down my arm. It was really bothering me. I tried to figure out in my own mind what that cause could be. I even had a fellow classmate adjust me. Nothing
Finally I had my adjusting lab. There, my classmate again tried to set up on different adjustments, but nothing seemed to relieve my dull pain. After going through all possible reasoning, we finally decided to inquire of our teacher. He gave a couple of reasons why I may have had the symptoms, but then he noticed one of my vertebra in my spine was off, about the area of the base of my neck. After letting my classmate again set up on the area, the teacher then adjusted that segment and then proceeded to test the muscle of my shoulder, and adjusted what was necessary a couple more times, and then, the dull achy pain was finally gone.
Was it a serious condition, no, nor was it life saving, but it was and always is amazing to see the workings and connections of the body. What was the cause of my imbalance? Who knows. It could have been sleeping in a wrong position, it could have been stress, it could have even been what I ate for lunch (since it did start to appear at that time). But it was obvious that something caused one segment in my spine to stick in place, thus effecting the nerve that runs down my arm. Once that was corrected, the nerve was no longer effected, resulting in a pain free normal functioning shoulder. Amazing!
Finally I had my adjusting lab. There, my classmate again tried to set up on different adjustments, but nothing seemed to relieve my dull pain. After going through all possible reasoning, we finally decided to inquire of our teacher. He gave a couple of reasons why I may have had the symptoms, but then he noticed one of my vertebra in my spine was off, about the area of the base of my neck. After letting my classmate again set up on the area, the teacher then adjusted that segment and then proceeded to test the muscle of my shoulder, and adjusted what was necessary a couple more times, and then, the dull achy pain was finally gone.
Was it a serious condition, no, nor was it life saving, but it was and always is amazing to see the workings and connections of the body. What was the cause of my imbalance? Who knows. It could have been sleeping in a wrong position, it could have been stress, it could have even been what I ate for lunch (since it did start to appear at that time). But it was obvious that something caused one segment in my spine to stick in place, thus effecting the nerve that runs down my arm. Once that was corrected, the nerve was no longer effected, resulting in a pain free normal functioning shoulder. Amazing!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Soy and Hypothyroid
This is a debate I am still trying to figure out which side I stand on. I don't want to post any little thing I find, and I'm not fully convinced with this article, but there were a few things I did find interesting and I think is absolutely correct. Soy does contain goitrogens, which has negative effects on the thyroid. I'll let you read for yourself
When it comes to hypothyroid, the first thought usually comes down to an Iodine deficiency. Even though the thyroid needs iodine to function, it only needs a small amount and a deficiency is usually a slight possibility. Other causes for hypothyroid is Cortisol, Cytokines, or could be the result of Hashimoto's. Adding to the list is Soy
When it comes to hypothyroid, the first thought usually comes down to an Iodine deficiency. Even though the thyroid needs iodine to function, it only needs a small amount and a deficiency is usually a slight possibility. Other causes for hypothyroid is Cortisol, Cytokines, or could be the result of Hashimoto's. Adding to the list is Soy
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Whole New Meaning of Preservation
I just saw this and I thought I should share
Monday, October 11, 2010
Allergies In The Air . . . And In Our Food
I just have a few notes from class considering Allergies, especially considering it is about the time when allergies are prevalent. There are 4 types of allergies, which there are 2 that are common in food. There is Type 1- which is immediate. This is what we consider food poisoning, and most food allergies fall under this category . . . however, that's only considering the food allergies that we are aware of. In actuality, most food allergies occur as Type 4- which is delayed and can take days for symptoms to be present. Unfortunately, when symptoms do occur, we often don't think or associate them with what we ate several days ago and so get misdiagnosed
There are several chemicals in our foods (natural and/or synthesised) that cause allergies that often get undetected. It can be as well known as MSG or as simple as Bonzoate found in bananas and chocolate. Not everybody is allergic to these chemicals, but too often than not, we are unaware that what we are consuming is making us ill.
Both my kids have had respiratory issues, mainly inflammation and congestion. My son continues to have complications, in which we have recently found that many respiratory allergies are caused or induced by Milk, Egg, Chocolate, Soy, and Cereal (Again, not everyone is effected by these products, but may be common factors) It just so happens, that Milk (processed cow's milk) is the factor, along with other dairy products and bananas which enhance the congestion. Also an interesting note. If a mother is breastfeeding, the dairy products consumed by the mother could be passed on to the baby. My daughter was congested when she was a baby, but it was constant. The doctor said it would clear, but it never really did, not really until she stopped breastfeeding. This is often the cause for collicy babies.
Research has shown that 100% of children with food allergies are deficient of Acidophilus and Bifidus. These are two bacteria that are commonly found in the flora of our intestines. These are helpful bacteria that we need, to help us digest and break down particles. Obviously, if these bacteria are not around, complications can occur. (Side note- so if taking an antiboitic, remember that it is also killing the good bacteria in our body along with the bad. It is important to take probiotics to reintroduce more of the good bacteria in our gut before these serious problems occur)
Another research done by James Breneman in 1968. 69 patients with gallstones were put on an Elimination Diet to find any food allergies. Once they were taken off these foods, 100% were free of symptoms. Pretty powerful stuff. The top five food allergies he came across are Egg (92%), Pork (63%), Onion (52%), Fowl (34%) and Milk (24%). How does this occur? The food allergian causes a reaction, creating edema in the gut which blocks off the bile duct of the gallbladder. You think if the gallbladder is dysfunctional, its going to cause some problems. Oh yeah
Sorry, I wrote more than expected, but is all pretty cool stuff. Just for a last thought, a friend posted this on his facebook and I thought it would be good to share with all
To all of my friends out there who have little ones, especially those that get a lot of ear infections. Cooper came down with a full blown ear infection on thursday, so that evening we started giving him grapefruit seed extract ear drops three times a day. We took him back to the doc this morning (Monday) and the infection was completely gone, and without the use of any drugs.
There are several chemicals in our foods (natural and/or synthesised) that cause allergies that often get undetected. It can be as well known as MSG or as simple as Bonzoate found in bananas and chocolate. Not everybody is allergic to these chemicals, but too often than not, we are unaware that what we are consuming is making us ill.
Both my kids have had respiratory issues, mainly inflammation and congestion. My son continues to have complications, in which we have recently found that many respiratory allergies are caused or induced by Milk, Egg, Chocolate, Soy, and Cereal (Again, not everyone is effected by these products, but may be common factors) It just so happens, that Milk (processed cow's milk) is the factor, along with other dairy products and bananas which enhance the congestion. Also an interesting note. If a mother is breastfeeding, the dairy products consumed by the mother could be passed on to the baby. My daughter was congested when she was a baby, but it was constant. The doctor said it would clear, but it never really did, not really until she stopped breastfeeding. This is often the cause for collicy babies.
Research has shown that 100% of children with food allergies are deficient of Acidophilus and Bifidus. These are two bacteria that are commonly found in the flora of our intestines. These are helpful bacteria that we need, to help us digest and break down particles. Obviously, if these bacteria are not around, complications can occur. (Side note- so if taking an antiboitic, remember that it is also killing the good bacteria in our body along with the bad. It is important to take probiotics to reintroduce more of the good bacteria in our gut before these serious problems occur)
Another research done by James Breneman in 1968. 69 patients with gallstones were put on an Elimination Diet to find any food allergies. Once they were taken off these foods, 100% were free of symptoms. Pretty powerful stuff. The top five food allergies he came across are Egg (92%), Pork (63%), Onion (52%), Fowl (34%) and Milk (24%). How does this occur? The food allergian causes a reaction, creating edema in the gut which blocks off the bile duct of the gallbladder. You think if the gallbladder is dysfunctional, its going to cause some problems. Oh yeah
Sorry, I wrote more than expected, but is all pretty cool stuff. Just for a last thought, a friend posted this on his facebook and I thought it would be good to share with all
To all of my friends out there who have little ones, especially those that get a lot of ear infections. Cooper came down with a full blown ear infection on thursday, so that evening we started giving him grapefruit seed extract ear drops three times a day. We took him back to the doc this morning (Monday) and the infection was completely gone, and without the use of any drugs.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
ADD - Hopefully This Keeps Your Attention
First of all, I would like to mention that I just looked at the settings. I have now made it that anyone can make a comment, whether you are logged in or not. I thought that it would be more open and helpful
With that all said, I have recently made a post about good carbohydrates. It's time to put my money where my mouth is, literally. Since Monday night, we (My wife and I) have switched all our regular pasta, rice, and flour with whole grain. We will try it for this week, and I will try to share what I have observed.
OK, I'm not expert on ADD (among other things), but this topic is something I have tried to look into. It's a deep, but well misunderstand topic. And because of this misunderstanding, I believe we have failed many of our children and rising generations. It's not a topic that was really close to me until recently, and it just so happens that I have been learning some interesting information. Much of what I have learned seems like a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But I just had a lecture which I think may be helpful in understanding a little bit more.
There are 4 factors leading to Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD may include one or many of these factors
With that all said, I have recently made a post about good carbohydrates. It's time to put my money where my mouth is, literally. Since Monday night, we (My wife and I) have switched all our regular pasta, rice, and flour with whole grain. We will try it for this week, and I will try to share what I have observed.
OK, I'm not expert on ADD (among other things), but this topic is something I have tried to look into. It's a deep, but well misunderstand topic. And because of this misunderstanding, I believe we have failed many of our children and rising generations. It's not a topic that was really close to me until recently, and it just so happens that I have been learning some interesting information. Much of what I have learned seems like a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But I just had a lecture which I think may be helpful in understanding a little bit more.
There are 4 factors leading to Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD may include one or many of these factors
- Hypoglycemia - These are people who are low in blood sugar. They can't go long before needing to eat. They are agitated upon wakening and going long hours without eating, but soon feel better after a meal. This low blood sugar triggers Adrenaline release (the same "Fight or Flight" rush I discussed before with stress). This can also be caused by food allergies and sensitivities, which releases Histamine and interfere with blood sugar levels. For low blood sugar levels, it can be managed by eating a healthy snack every two hours. For food allergies, it is important to eliminate the suspected foods- This can be done with an Elimination Diet (I underlined it - it must be important!)
- Learning Differences - These are people who can't sit still, moody, inattentive, clumsy, tired, and poor balance. Many are Right Brain Tactile Learners- simply they learn better and are attentive when they are involved and touching things (I would like to look more into this when I can, but I have also put some pieces together and believe there is a brain imbalance which may or may not be corrected)
- Nutrition - (Notice a lot of association with food and nutrition - it might be important) This is similar to hypoglycemia and allergies, but this is more of a deficiency. It may be a deficiency of vitamins or minerals, or essential fatty acids (very important for brain function). But it can also be causes of deficiency that we need to eliminate, such as parasites or things that contain Salicylates (found in food coloring and flavorings, grapes, tomatoes, almonds, and aspirin)
- Hyperthyroid - This may affect thyroid hormone or the hypothalamus which regulates the thyroid hormones. There's not a lot of information given on this, and it isn't a very common factor, but one symptom of Hyperthyroid is having racing thoughts at night - similar to symptoms of ADD
Monday, October 4, 2010
Know The Difference
If I were to give you two pills and ask you to take one, which one would you take? Kind of hard to know. You would would probably wisely ask for more details to make a better decision. What if I gave you more information for Pill A and for Pill B
Pill A- Pill B-
Increases Triglycerides (bad fats) Decreases blood lipids (fats)
Promotes Dysglycemia Improves Dysglycemia
Suppresses Immune System Improves digestion function
Decreases nutritional elements Provides nutrition
Promotes cavities Decreases dental problems
Feeds pathogenic organisms Decreases behavioral disurbances
After giving more information about the two different pills, it now becomes much easier to decide. It is almost night and day on the effects of these pills, one helping and improving body function while the other obviously degrades the body. One pill seems desired while the other pill would be wise to avoid. But yet, many of us often choose Pill A. What I have provided for you is not a pill. Pill A is actually refined carbohydrates, while Pill B is natural carbohydrates. They seem similar, but they no doubt produce very opposite results. Refine sugars are the processed sugars that unfortunately have infiltrated our society. These are the Sucrose sugars we so much enjoy in our treats and juices. These are the High Fructose Corn Syrup that is concentrated in our soda and other drinks. These are the white flours used to make breads and pastas. Natural carbohydrates are the whole grains, fruits, vegetable, nuts, and seeds. How often do we choose Pill A over Pill B. It is important to know the difference
A good quote - "The body is not sick because it has a disease, but instead, the body has a disease because it is sick" - Dr. Irvin Korr
Pill A- Pill B-
Increases Triglycerides (bad fats) Decreases blood lipids (fats)
Promotes Dysglycemia Improves Dysglycemia
Suppresses Immune System Improves digestion function
Decreases nutritional elements Provides nutrition
Promotes cavities Decreases dental problems
Feeds pathogenic organisms Decreases behavioral disurbances
After giving more information about the two different pills, it now becomes much easier to decide. It is almost night and day on the effects of these pills, one helping and improving body function while the other obviously degrades the body. One pill seems desired while the other pill would be wise to avoid. But yet, many of us often choose Pill A. What I have provided for you is not a pill. Pill A is actually refined carbohydrates, while Pill B is natural carbohydrates. They seem similar, but they no doubt produce very opposite results. Refine sugars are the processed sugars that unfortunately have infiltrated our society. These are the Sucrose sugars we so much enjoy in our treats and juices. These are the High Fructose Corn Syrup that is concentrated in our soda and other drinks. These are the white flours used to make breads and pastas. Natural carbohydrates are the whole grains, fruits, vegetable, nuts, and seeds. How often do we choose Pill A over Pill B. It is important to know the difference
A good quote - "The body is not sick because it has a disease, but instead, the body has a disease because it is sick" - Dr. Irvin Korr
Friday, October 1, 2010
New Nutrition
It has been a while, but 3 tests in 3 days makes for a long week. It doesn't help that I have changed my nutritional diet. That's right, I have begun since Sunday. I am not following any particular guideline, no strict rules, but it is much different from what I have been eating before. Radically different. Breakfast and lunch is all fruit and vegetables and nuts. Pretty much a raw diet. Dinner is modified with some fish or chicken along with a salad of sorts. The diet is about 85% raw fruits and veggies. Monday was the hardest day for me, my first full day. But after, I have felt and observed some significant changes in which I would like to try and share. I will continue this diet for the next couple days and then modify it again for the next week, still incorperating fruits and veggies and eliminating sugars and processed foods. We'll see how it goes
Friday, September 24, 2010
Female Hormones
I just attended a seminar today, and the one class I went to, by Dr. Curt Hamilton, helped my understanding of hormones ten fold. It was cool. Here are some of my notes:
Many women are estrogen dominant. This causes bloating, weight gain, breast swelling, irregular menstraul cycle, headaches, mood swings, cold hands, and decreased sex drive. But the most important to understand that if estrogen is not excreted, then it accumlates in the body. Where does it get stored? Well, it just happens to be stored in fat, being toxic, and more specific it tends to be in breast tissue. Doesn't sound good. ( This is my thought, but seems to be strongly linked to Breast Cancer)
Estrogen can accumulate either by excess estrogen, or by lack of gastrointestinal function (This goes back to my notes on stress and the effect on the gut) If our food is sitting too long in our intestines, then the food is broken down more than it should, releasing unwanted chemicals and more specific, it releases free estrogen which then gets absorded instead of excreted. To help our gastrointestinal function, we need to make sure we have enough fiber in our diet and we can utilize flax seed oil to increase function.
Here are some solutions:
Many women are estrogen dominant. This causes bloating, weight gain, breast swelling, irregular menstraul cycle, headaches, mood swings, cold hands, and decreased sex drive. But the most important to understand that if estrogen is not excreted, then it accumlates in the body. Where does it get stored? Well, it just happens to be stored in fat, being toxic, and more specific it tends to be in breast tissue. Doesn't sound good. ( This is my thought, but seems to be strongly linked to Breast Cancer)
Estrogen can accumulate either by excess estrogen, or by lack of gastrointestinal function (This goes back to my notes on stress and the effect on the gut) If our food is sitting too long in our intestines, then the food is broken down more than it should, releasing unwanted chemicals and more specific, it releases free estrogen which then gets absorded instead of excreted. To help our gastrointestinal function, we need to make sure we have enough fiber in our diet and we can utilize flax seed oil to increase function.
Here are some solutions:
- Avoid Exognous Sources - Beyond excess estrogen being produced, there are exogenous sources. These are pesticides, animal protein, styrofoam, plastics, saran wrap (for plastics and saran wrap, chemicals get releases into our food when they are heated, such as in a microwave).
- Chaste Tree Extract - Maybe the greatest secret. This extract from the Chaste Tree Berry is significant in reducing and possibly eliminating PMS symptoms, promoting regular menses, reduces acne, and promotes fertility (Don't use if on oral contraceptives as it will decrease it's effect, and don't use while pregnant). This helps balance out sex hormones . . . with amazing results! http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_chaste_tree.htm
- St. John's Wort - This helps relieve the Depression symptoms of PMS, such as forgetfullness, crying, confusion and insomnia. http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_st_johns_wort.htm
- Tribulus - This natural herb is known to balance sex hormones in both male and female. In both, it will increase sex drive and improve adrenal function. Simply known as the natural viagra, but important in helping balance hormones in the body. The link I found says where the plant is found, but failed to mention two main countries. The species of Tribulus is more effective by far if it comes from Romania or Bulgaria. The plant is found in other places, but for some reason they don't have nearly the same effect. http://www.tribulusterrestrisfacts.org/
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Don't Stress It
We just had an assembly with Dr. Joe Dispenza, which helped reiterate a point that I have recently learned before and feel strongly about. There is a direct association between the Stress we have in our lives and our health. In the animal world, we talk about survival. A deer who is relaxed and grazing in the meadow senses danger, in a blink of an eye, darts off and is gone. As humans, we also have this reaction. If one was faced with a wild animal, our body would react. Without a thought, our heart rate would increase, our breathing would become more rapid, our blood would increase to our muscles, all allowing us to get out of danger. This reaction is an essential factor for survival. It is meant to occur in times of need, but that is the problem. In our society today, we keep this reaction on all the time, like a light switch left on day and night, which will soon burn out. So are we faced with a giant bear all the time? No, but we are faced with stressers and fears on a constant basis, and we utilize this survival mode to get us through. We start our day this way, getting up in a stressful manner to a beeping alarm clock, rushing to get ready. Many read or hear the news in the morning, filling our thoughts with negative ideas. We get stressed on our commute, rushing to where we need to go. We are stressed at work, school, or other things that demand our time and attention. We return home, and sadly we occur more stress with family, bills, and activities that we planned for ourselves. Finally, before getting to bed, we watch the news again, filling our minds with more negative ideas before ending our day. When does it stop?
Our "survival" switch is on all day, every day. But you may ask those are just thoughts, it can't be that bad? Studies have shown that whether it is something we are doing, or if we just think about doing it, or brain activity is the same in both cases. There is no difference in brain activity if we are in actual danger or thinking about it. So what does this do? Think of an air conditioning system that is turned on all the time, that never stops running. Usually an air system turns out periodically to maintain a comfortable balance, like our survival mode. But if it is running all the time, it will soon get cold which in the summer may feel nice at the time, but our bill will sky rocket. It will be a financial burden. If all our money goes to pay the electric bill, we will exhaust all our finances to pay for other needs like groceries, gas, and ESPN (jk). And soon, the summer will end and winter will come and if the AC is still running, it won't be so pleasent. So how is this like our survival mode? Nearly the same. If our body is increasing heart rate, if our muscles are using the energy to flee from danger . . . soon, it too will exhaust all what we need. All our energy will be used up, leaving our muscles to utilize other options for energy, causing pain. Other parts of the body that need energy will not get it, causing several health problems physiologically. And soon, when it is time to relax, but we are still in survival mode, it won't feel so nice.
If we are always in survival mode, there are certain function that are disabled like our gut. Our intestines and our sphincters work in a relaxed state. Sexual function and infertility are also effected. We soon get fatigued, insomnia, supress our immune system, or even fibromyalgia. The list of complications are long, but the solution is simple. We need to find time away from these stressers. We need to bring a balance to our body. The major problem is that several people have been in this mode for so long, they are stuck in that mode and it is not so easy to get out. It is not as simple as just relaxing in our lazyboy after a hard day of work. We need more. We need to actively activate certain parts of our brain, mainly the left side, to bring back a balance to our body physiologically.
Some helpful solutions: (Not in any particular order, but I will try to list what I think is more effective)
Our "survival" switch is on all day, every day. But you may ask those are just thoughts, it can't be that bad? Studies have shown that whether it is something we are doing, or if we just think about doing it, or brain activity is the same in both cases. There is no difference in brain activity if we are in actual danger or thinking about it. So what does this do? Think of an air conditioning system that is turned on all the time, that never stops running. Usually an air system turns out periodically to maintain a comfortable balance, like our survival mode. But if it is running all the time, it will soon get cold which in the summer may feel nice at the time, but our bill will sky rocket. It will be a financial burden. If all our money goes to pay the electric bill, we will exhaust all our finances to pay for other needs like groceries, gas, and ESPN (jk). And soon, the summer will end and winter will come and if the AC is still running, it won't be so pleasent. So how is this like our survival mode? Nearly the same. If our body is increasing heart rate, if our muscles are using the energy to flee from danger . . . soon, it too will exhaust all what we need. All our energy will be used up, leaving our muscles to utilize other options for energy, causing pain. Other parts of the body that need energy will not get it, causing several health problems physiologically. And soon, when it is time to relax, but we are still in survival mode, it won't feel so nice.
If we are always in survival mode, there are certain function that are disabled like our gut. Our intestines and our sphincters work in a relaxed state. Sexual function and infertility are also effected. We soon get fatigued, insomnia, supress our immune system, or even fibromyalgia. The list of complications are long, but the solution is simple. We need to find time away from these stressers. We need to bring a balance to our body. The major problem is that several people have been in this mode for so long, they are stuck in that mode and it is not so easy to get out. It is not as simple as just relaxing in our lazyboy after a hard day of work. We need more. We need to actively activate certain parts of our brain, mainly the left side, to bring back a balance to our body physiologically.
Some helpful solutions: (Not in any particular order, but I will try to list what I think is more effective)
- Avoid stressers - Don't watch or listen to the news especially in the morning and at night, start your morning in a more calm way by giving yourself plenty of time to get ready and to commute, eliminate any unnecessary activities making you feel rushed and stretched, and find the positive things in life. There is plenty more we can do, but those are just a few ideas that I think everyone can work on
- Adjustment of the extremities - It has been proven that adjustments can activate the brain and directly effect the body physiologically. To regain balance to brain activity, an adjustment to the right side extremities will activate the left side of the brain which is responsible to help relax the body
- Exercise the opposite side extremities - This is similar to the adjustment. Stimulation to the right side will activate the left brain
- Talking - be careful with this one, because talking with certain people are about certain things can add more stress, but the left side of the brain is active when we are talking. Talking things out brings peace to our lives. This is the basis for counciling. As well as the foundation between men and women when it comes to talking. Women are more right side dominant, so talking is the method for balance. It is theraputic, and essential.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Need Somebody To Hug
I thought this was vital for all parents. In Neurology, we learned the importance of sensation, even from the beginning of birth. From birth to the day we die, we are making new connections between neurons. This is done by sensations (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). These sensations create new connections. That is why it is so important for an elderly person to be out and about, instead of sitting inside and alone. That is why it is important to Hug your child. Studies have shown that hugging your child improves nerve activity. So Hug like you mean it!
Back 2 Health
As mentioned in the previous post, our country is plagued by some serious diseases, many in which go unnoticed before it is too late, or so it may seem. The medical field does all it can to battle these diseases, with very little success, usually only preventing more damage at the most. Looking at all these diseases we face, what if I told you that there was something out there that could not only reduce, but possibly cure people from these diseases? What if I said there was something that was risk free, inexpensive, and has the ability of having a great impact? What would you say?
The answer, or rather the solution, is Nutrition. This is the main idea of my Blog. Back 2 Health. As a society, and even worldwide now, we have veered away from health, primarily we have as a whole have veered away from nutrition. Too much Sugar is being consumed. The average american consumes 150 lbs of sugar a year. And there is less fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets today. I can try to find the chart, but it shows a correlation between consuming fruit and cardiac diseases. The more fruit is eaten, the less cases of heart disease in those parts of the world. On the chart, Americans were one of the lowest of containing fruit in their diet. Is it no wonder that heart disease is the number one cause of death in America? But it can be prevented. Lets get back on the path, lets get back into correct nutrition.
Study shows that a person who consumes fresh fruit daily will 70% less likely die from cancer, 32% die from stroke, and 24% chance die from a heart attack. 70%? No medication comes close to those kind of numbers. An interesting note. There are several components of fruit that is so beneficial, but one is folic acid. We all know this is important for pregnancy, which prevents some birth defects, but it is essential for everyone to have. It is also an anti-atherogenic, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-depressent as well as a lack of folic acid is associated with poor cognitive function, dementia, and even Alzheimers.
Pertaining to this, there is a health appraisal questionnaire that one can fill out. Comparing their results to their recorded diet, a doctor in this field of nutrition can recommend changes in their diet and then retake the questionaire again after their strict diet and compare the results. From what I have seen, the results are amazing. High risk factors drop to normal or moderate risk. There are significant changes. There is a website that contains this questionnaire, found at www.nutri-online1.co.uk/ Default.aspx?tabid=647
I have decided to take the questionnaire myself, and then change my diet for a week or two, and compare results that I will share. I'm kinda scared, I'll be eating a lot of plants and maybe even some fish (yuck), but I am curious to see, even for me which I feel is in generally decent health, how changing my diet can improve certain things in my body and life. Here I go
The answer, or rather the solution, is Nutrition. This is the main idea of my Blog. Back 2 Health. As a society, and even worldwide now, we have veered away from health, primarily we have as a whole have veered away from nutrition. Too much Sugar is being consumed. The average american consumes 150 lbs of sugar a year. And there is less fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets today. I can try to find the chart, but it shows a correlation between consuming fruit and cardiac diseases. The more fruit is eaten, the less cases of heart disease in those parts of the world. On the chart, Americans were one of the lowest of containing fruit in their diet. Is it no wonder that heart disease is the number one cause of death in America? But it can be prevented. Lets get back on the path, lets get back into correct nutrition.
Study shows that a person who consumes fresh fruit daily will 70% less likely die from cancer, 32% die from stroke, and 24% chance die from a heart attack. 70%? No medication comes close to those kind of numbers. An interesting note. There are several components of fruit that is so beneficial, but one is folic acid. We all know this is important for pregnancy, which prevents some birth defects, but it is essential for everyone to have. It is also an anti-atherogenic, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-depressent as well as a lack of folic acid is associated with poor cognitive function, dementia, and even Alzheimers.
Pertaining to this, there is a health appraisal questionnaire that one can fill out. Comparing their results to their recorded diet, a doctor in this field of nutrition can recommend changes in their diet and then retake the questionaire again after their strict diet and compare the results. From what I have seen, the results are amazing. High risk factors drop to normal or moderate risk. There are significant changes. There is a website that contains this questionnaire, found at www.nutri-online1.co.uk/
I have decided to take the questionnaire myself, and then change my diet for a week or two, and compare results that I will share. I'm kinda scared, I'll be eating a lot of plants and maybe even some fish (yuck), but I am curious to see, even for me which I feel is in generally decent health, how changing my diet can improve certain things in my body and life. Here I go
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Quiet Killers
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Adapt or Die!"? It is a pretty simple concept in which we depend on every second of every day. Our body is constantly adapting. If it failed to do so . . . we would die. I mentioned this before, but too often one says, "I don't need that, I'm already healthy." If we, as in individual, and even as a society, are not adapting, changing, improving, can we really say that we are healthy? Too often, one remains in that mind set, thinking they are healthy and fine with their lifestyle when in reality they have been exposed to complications they are unaware of. These are the quiet killers. These are the cardiac diseases, the neurological diseases, and the cancers that so many face today that often go undetected before its too late. Prevention is ignored with the phrase, "It won't happen to me."
Interesting note: The nutritional initials used for Standard American Diet is SAD - Yes, it is
Interesting note: The nutritional initials used for Standard American Diet is SAD - Yes, it is
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Beginning Tri 4
Ok, the first couple posts are just some thoughts I had written down beforehand. I have spent a year so far at Parker, and it is hard to relate a years worth of education into a few paragraphs. I have just started my fourth trimester, starting my second year and it is going to be 4 months of non stop information. Between Neurology and Nutrition and Physical Diagnosis, the information will be endless, but so important for me and for everyone. I hope I will even have time to write a post here and there. So, I hope you enjoy. I will try to keep my posts short and brief and to the point, or at least I will do my best. Wish me luck
Master Our Innate
Long before the movie, William Ernest Henley has inspired countless of people with his powerful words, Invictus. "It matters not how straight the gate, how charged the punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
I put the phrase, Back 2 Health, at the top of this page to emphasize the urgency to return to something that we have gradually veered from as a society. I feel several of us often say, "I'm already healthy" I know, because it is something I have said. But are we?
The body is an amazing thing, with an incredible design. The majority of the body functions unconsciously, or with very little thought. We have learned to breath without having to think about it. The body, in its infinite wisdom, makes it all work, from our lungs for breathing down to each and every microscopic cell utilizing the nutrients needed to function. The body knows all. Do we know how much calcium our muscles need to contract, how much blood is needed in a certain part to avoid hypoxia, or even how many white blood cells are needed to fight off invaders? We don't . . but our body does. Our body wants to be healthy. Let me repeat that, our body wants to be healthy . . . but are we letting it?
There are several factors, or Stressers, that expose the body to diseases and complications. We organize these stressers as the 3 T's known as Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts . . . or it can be put as the Physical, the Chemical, and the Emotional. The physical varies from the small daily activities to the unfortunate traumas that occur. This is the daily grind on the body physically. The chemical is the things that we put in the body. This ranges from what we eat, to what we expose our bodies to like dyes and makeup. The emotional is often overlooked, but can have a great impact in our life and especially in our health. Especially in the world today, we often cannot avoid Stress. It is in our school, our work, and too often even in our own homes. Several of these stressers have great impact on our immune system, thus exposing us to diseases. It is not our body gone wrong, it is not even the pathogen that invades our body, it is our own choices. All these stressers are avoidable. Are we eating right? Are we exposing ourselves to harmful chemicals? I know each and everyone of us, including myself, can make better decisions in our lives. Our body will be forever grateful.
Too many feel that they have no control on their health. Some are told that they are genetically exposed to these diseases. Don't let these lies fool you. There is more recent studies I hope to share later showing that genes are not a permanent imprint, but can change and adapt. You have control. You are the master of your health. Take control of your life. Take back your health. "It matters not how straight the gate, how charged the punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
I put the phrase, Back 2 Health, at the top of this page to emphasize the urgency to return to something that we have gradually veered from as a society. I feel several of us often say, "I'm already healthy" I know, because it is something I have said. But are we?
The body is an amazing thing, with an incredible design. The majority of the body functions unconsciously, or with very little thought. We have learned to breath without having to think about it. The body, in its infinite wisdom, makes it all work, from our lungs for breathing down to each and every microscopic cell utilizing the nutrients needed to function. The body knows all. Do we know how much calcium our muscles need to contract, how much blood is needed in a certain part to avoid hypoxia, or even how many white blood cells are needed to fight off invaders? We don't . . but our body does. Our body wants to be healthy. Let me repeat that, our body wants to be healthy . . . but are we letting it?
There are several factors, or Stressers, that expose the body to diseases and complications. We organize these stressers as the 3 T's known as Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts . . . or it can be put as the Physical, the Chemical, and the Emotional. The physical varies from the small daily activities to the unfortunate traumas that occur. This is the daily grind on the body physically. The chemical is the things that we put in the body. This ranges from what we eat, to what we expose our bodies to like dyes and makeup. The emotional is often overlooked, but can have a great impact in our life and especially in our health. Especially in the world today, we often cannot avoid Stress. It is in our school, our work, and too often even in our own homes. Several of these stressers have great impact on our immune system, thus exposing us to diseases. It is not our body gone wrong, it is not even the pathogen that invades our body, it is our own choices. All these stressers are avoidable. Are we eating right? Are we exposing ourselves to harmful chemicals? I know each and everyone of us, including myself, can make better decisions in our lives. Our body will be forever grateful.
Too many feel that they have no control on their health. Some are told that they are genetically exposed to these diseases. Don't let these lies fool you. There is more recent studies I hope to share later showing that genes are not a permanent imprint, but can change and adapt. You have control. You are the master of your health. Take control of your life. Take back your health. "It matters not how straight the gate, how charged the punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
Friday, September 10, 2010
What is Chiropractics
I thought I would start with a basic overview of what Chiropractic is, mostly because many whom I have talked to have no or very limited understanding. Usually the response consists of something concerning back pain. Even though this is not wrong, that is sadly the extent to their knowledge. The practice of modern Chiropractics was founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, a student of magnetic healing and bonesetting sciences. The first "adjustment" was administered to Harvey Lillard, who later told Palmer that his hearing had greatly improved. D.D. Palmer concluded that bone manipulation can restore function to the body. This opened the door to the philosophy of what we today call Chiropractics. The term Chiropractics actually was coined later by Rev. Samuel Weed, combining two greek words meaning "Concerned With (Praktikos) Hand (Chiro)"
So this is the beginning to manual manipulation in the philosophy of Chiropractics, later termed as Adjustment. But this is just the surface. This is often the part that people understand, the "cracking backs" part of chiropractics. But they are not bone doctors. D.D. Palmer looked a little deeper, beyond the bones, and understood something that is just beginning to be recognized today. The foundation to the body is not the skeleton. The master system of the body is the Nervous System. It is this system that connects the whole body, allowing the brain to communicate to the body and visa versa. In fact, it is no wonder that the Nervous System is the first system formed in embryo. This is vital. It is needed to help the fetus to develop. Without a skeleton, we would simply be a bag of organs. Without a nervous system, we would die. Simply put, the nervous system is the master system. This was the focus of D.D Palmer and the early chiropractics, understanding that if a bone is out of place, it is effecting the function of the nerve that passes by, thus effecting certain body functions that the nerve supplies. In short, Chiropractors are not bone doctors. They are nerve doctors that understand the anatomy and physiology of the body to help restore normal function.
So what is Chiropractics? It is the philosophy and the study of the body as a whole, including the anatomy and physiology, to restore and provide optimal function and health to an individual. It is a vitalistic approach that the body has the understanding and ability to adapt, protect, and even heal itself. Basically, the doctor can't heal the body. Rather, the doctor restores the body to correct function, allowing the nerve to restore function and communication to the rest of the body, thus healing itself. How so? Can I ask what is the mechanism behind a fever? Too many often blame their illness to the pathogen. This is incorrect. Yes, it is due to a pathogen, but it is not the cause. The cause of the fever, is our own bodily response to protect itself and rid of the pathogen. Our immune system effects the core body temperature, increasing it to kill off the pathogen that has invaded. It is our own body, with it's infinite and innate knowledge, that causes the fever, to protect itself, simply, to heal itself.
Without proper nerve function, it is impossible for our body to normally function, allowing the body to be exposed to many diseases and physiological abnormalities. The lack of nerve function is referred to as a Subluxation. This can be caused by many things, simply put as the 3 T's. Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts, or it can also be put as Physical, Chemical, and Emotional stressers. The physical is the daily activities along with the unexpected traumas that we face in life. The chemical is the things that we put into our bodies directly, like food, or indirectly, like hair dyes. The emotional is the stressers in life. This one often gets overlooked. When I say that someone is confident, do you view someone who has slumped shoulders and looking down at the ground. No, we often view someone who is sitting or standing up straight, their head up and alert. Our thoughts effect us dramatically, especially in a world like today with Stress all around us. Stress plays with our emotions, and even our nerve functions, exposing us to many avoidable complications. For optimal health and wellness, we need to rid of these stressers in our life. Many of them, we can rid of ourselves if we choose to make the effort. But there are others we need an "adjustment", to restore our nerve function, to restore our normal body function, and to restore our health. For that, we have our friendly neighborhood Chiropractor.
So this is the beginning to manual manipulation in the philosophy of Chiropractics, later termed as Adjustment. But this is just the surface. This is often the part that people understand, the "cracking backs" part of chiropractics. But they are not bone doctors. D.D. Palmer looked a little deeper, beyond the bones, and understood something that is just beginning to be recognized today. The foundation to the body is not the skeleton. The master system of the body is the Nervous System. It is this system that connects the whole body, allowing the brain to communicate to the body and visa versa. In fact, it is no wonder that the Nervous System is the first system formed in embryo. This is vital. It is needed to help the fetus to develop. Without a skeleton, we would simply be a bag of organs. Without a nervous system, we would die. Simply put, the nervous system is the master system. This was the focus of D.D Palmer and the early chiropractics, understanding that if a bone is out of place, it is effecting the function of the nerve that passes by, thus effecting certain body functions that the nerve supplies. In short, Chiropractors are not bone doctors. They are nerve doctors that understand the anatomy and physiology of the body to help restore normal function.
So what is Chiropractics? It is the philosophy and the study of the body as a whole, including the anatomy and physiology, to restore and provide optimal function and health to an individual. It is a vitalistic approach that the body has the understanding and ability to adapt, protect, and even heal itself. Basically, the doctor can't heal the body. Rather, the doctor restores the body to correct function, allowing the nerve to restore function and communication to the rest of the body, thus healing itself. How so? Can I ask what is the mechanism behind a fever? Too many often blame their illness to the pathogen. This is incorrect. Yes, it is due to a pathogen, but it is not the cause. The cause of the fever, is our own bodily response to protect itself and rid of the pathogen. Our immune system effects the core body temperature, increasing it to kill off the pathogen that has invaded. It is our own body, with it's infinite and innate knowledge, that causes the fever, to protect itself, simply, to heal itself.
Without proper nerve function, it is impossible for our body to normally function, allowing the body to be exposed to many diseases and physiological abnormalities. The lack of nerve function is referred to as a Subluxation. This can be caused by many things, simply put as the 3 T's. Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts, or it can also be put as Physical, Chemical, and Emotional stressers. The physical is the daily activities along with the unexpected traumas that we face in life. The chemical is the things that we put into our bodies directly, like food, or indirectly, like hair dyes. The emotional is the stressers in life. This one often gets overlooked. When I say that someone is confident, do you view someone who has slumped shoulders and looking down at the ground. No, we often view someone who is sitting or standing up straight, their head up and alert. Our thoughts effect us dramatically, especially in a world like today with Stress all around us. Stress plays with our emotions, and even our nerve functions, exposing us to many avoidable complications. For optimal health and wellness, we need to rid of these stressers in our life. Many of them, we can rid of ourselves if we choose to make the effort. But there are others we need an "adjustment", to restore our nerve function, to restore our normal body function, and to restore our health. For that, we have our friendly neighborhood Chiropractor.
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