With that all said, I have recently made a post about good carbohydrates. It's time to put my money where my mouth is, literally. Since Monday night, we (My wife and I) have switched all our regular pasta, rice, and flour with whole grain. We will try it for this week, and I will try to share what I have observed.
OK, I'm not expert on ADD (among other things), but this topic is something I have tried to look into. It's a deep, but well misunderstand topic. And because of this misunderstanding, I believe we have failed many of our children and rising generations. It's not a topic that was really close to me until recently, and it just so happens that I have been learning some interesting information. Much of what I have learned seems like a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But I just had a lecture which I think may be helpful in understanding a little bit more.
There are 4 factors leading to Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD may include one or many of these factors
- Hypoglycemia - These are people who are low in blood sugar. They can't go long before needing to eat. They are agitated upon wakening and going long hours without eating, but soon feel better after a meal. This low blood sugar triggers Adrenaline release (the same "Fight or Flight" rush I discussed before with stress). This can also be caused by food allergies and sensitivities, which releases Histamine and interfere with blood sugar levels. For low blood sugar levels, it can be managed by eating a healthy snack every two hours. For food allergies, it is important to eliminate the suspected foods- This can be done with an Elimination Diet (I underlined it - it must be important!)
- Learning Differences - These are people who can't sit still, moody, inattentive, clumsy, tired, and poor balance. Many are Right Brain Tactile Learners- simply they learn better and are attentive when they are involved and touching things (I would like to look more into this when I can, but I have also put some pieces together and believe there is a brain imbalance which may or may not be corrected)
- Nutrition - (Notice a lot of association with food and nutrition - it might be important) This is similar to hypoglycemia and allergies, but this is more of a deficiency. It may be a deficiency of vitamins or minerals, or essential fatty acids (very important for brain function). But it can also be causes of deficiency that we need to eliminate, such as parasites or things that contain Salicylates (found in food coloring and flavorings, grapes, tomatoes, almonds, and aspirin)
- Hyperthyroid - This may affect thyroid hormone or the hypothalamus which regulates the thyroid hormones. There's not a lot of information given on this, and it isn't a very common factor, but one symptom of Hyperthyroid is having racing thoughts at night - similar to symptoms of ADD
I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 8, and my folks refused medication at first. We did the behavior therapy and diet changes but it didn't help. Unfortunately the side effects of the drugs made me give up when I was 18. I used to keep up on the research but admit I got discouraged. It is nice to see some one still differentiate between ADD and ADHD. It seems ADHD gets all the attention right now.