
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Melaleuca: The Wellness Company

In Chiropractic philosophy, we are taught and we preach about the three T's: Trauma, Toxins, and Thoughts.  I have mentioned them on here myself.  Traumas are simple to understand when it comes to the chiropractic adjustment.  Thoughts are also intuitive as we've discussed the effects of stress and the power of positive thinking.  However, when it comes to Toxins, we hear about it without doing much about it.  Most of us go about doing the same routine as before, eating the same foods, using the same detergents, using the same soaps, putting on the same makeup and hair gel, and even brushing our teeth with the same tooth paste all of these with chemicals and toxins that harm our body.  But it simply isn't our fault.  We are left with no other options  When we get injured, there are choices out there to help our body heal.  When we are stressed, there are choices out there to help us de-stress.  Besides nutrition, there are nearly no other options to protect us against harmful chemicals.

In the recent years, many companies have picked up and ran with the "Go Green" slogan. However, The only thing "Green" about these products is the title.  A Mercola article helps explain how these claims are deceiving. Green Cleaners. Using the terms "Geen" and "Natural" is all a marketing scheme.  It may be that some of the ingredients are "Naturally" found or that the container is biodegradable while still containing harmful ingredients. And in some cases, some companies may even omit certain materials from the ingredients list.  So why hasn't there been a real effort in these companies to provide better and safer products?  Some have with failing results.  It is not a mystery that these products are harmful.  We put them up high or down low in less accessible areas.  They often come with childproof lids and the cabinets are often childproof as well. It is any mother's nightmare that their child should get into the cleaning products.  That fear became a reality in my own family.  These products can hurt, damage and even kill - and yet we use them on a daily basis.  Since July of 2010 - Phosphorus has been limited in cleaning products (not eliminated, but reduced) after a long effort.  Phosphorus as been a long lasting staple in cleaning products used as the main ingredient which increased the effectiveness.  However, phosphorus is also known to promote algae proliferation and thus killing marine life.  This was an environmental act, not a health act.  So what are the remaining chemicals often used in these products?
  • 2-butoxyethanol - destroys red blood cells, damages reproductive organs, causes birth defects (no research on carcinogenic effects have been done)
  • Ammonia - irritating to eyes, nose, throat, damaging to lungs and digestive tract, damage to heart and nervous system
  • 1,4 - dichlorobenzene - irritation to nose and throat, dizziness, asthma
  • Nonylphenol ethoxylates - reproductive defects, liver damage, kidney damage
  • Chlorine - irritation to eyes, nose, throat, damage to lungs and digestive tract, damage to heart and nervous system.  Creates acid environment in body which destroys cells
  • Glycol ethers - Toxic to lungs, digestive tract, kidney, cardiovascular, nervous system, liver, reproduction, and causes developmental toxicity
  • Phthalates - reproductive damage in boys
  • Ethanolamines - carcinogenic, neurotoxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity
  • Formaldohyde - carinogenic
And that's just a small list.  There have been 133 unsafe chemicals found in various products in which about 34 of them have been classified by federal law as toxic or hazardous.  In my search on these chemicals, I often found the phrase, "cheap" or "inexpensive" - These companies risk health over dollars, and if it has taken this long to finally rid of phosphorus to help the environment, we can't sit around waiting for something to be done for our health.  We need a better option -

I would like to introduce you to Melaleuca - The Wellness Company.  This company started just over 25 years ago with the goal to provide natural, chemical-free products that was safe for the family, the home, and the environment.  Melaleuca is actually a name of a plant also known as Tea Tree in which we get the essential Tea Tree Oil used commonly as an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent.  This became the bases of the company that bares the same name - to use natural and safer ingredients to achieve effective results. There are now over 300 products ranging from laundry detergent, to makeup, to protein shakes, to tooth paste - all chemical-free and safe.  They were Green before anyone knew what "green" was - no marketing scheme

But it goes beyond being natural.  Not only are all the products safe for the family, home and environment, but these products have greater benefits
  • They are more effective
  • They last longer
  • Save you money
We have personally used these products off and on.  My wife used to work for them and was able to get free products monthly.  She swore by these products, saying the clothes washed better, her teeth felt better, her skin felt better, and everything cleaned better than any other product.  When we got married, we weren't sure if we could keep with them and decided to use other products.  For these nearly six years, my wife has constantly compared what we were using to Melaleuca products.  We finally and just recently decided to make the switch again.  The products do work better and they last longer because they are more concentrated.  A bottle of lotion will last for months.  A bottle of laundry soap will do 96 loads compared to the 32 loads of other brands.  The Melaleuca brand costs about $5 dollars more, but when it lasts three times as long and cleans better - you are getting a better product that lasts longer and truly saves you money - and not to let you forget, it's all chemical free and safe.

 I'm truly not trying to sell anything.  We talk about avoiding toxins for our health and it's about time we do something.  It's about time we make the switch.  But mainly, most people don't even know there is even an option.  You can visit Melaleuca.com for more information about the company and their products.  If you are interested in making the switch and to choose better products for our health - you can contact me or I do have a friend who sells Melaleuca locally.  I'll leave our contact information at the bottom. Our bodies are amazing, and have a great knowledge to adapt and filter the toxins, but we are now exposed too much - much more than ever before.  Avoiding these chemicals can have a great benefit in our life.

Tyson - nd53irish24@gmail.com
Steven- aprilandsteven@wedeliverwellness.com

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