Depression is more than just sadness. It's more than just grieving or sorrow. Depression is a chronic state of mind that effects the nervous system, physiology and the physical condition. It is often triggered by a tragic event in one's life either a death in the family or going through a divorce, but it doesn't always have to. It can be as simple as having a chronic illness or dealing with a stressful environment. About 10-20% of patients treated in a medical office suffer from depression is more common in women. The statistics vary, however, anti-depressant drugs are the most common prescribed drugs on America - costing $44 Billion annually.
Depression is a very serious condition. It can be accompanied by a chronic illness which perpetuates the situation and can lead to even more serious conditions such as Bipolar disorder, Mood disorder, and even suicide. But why has it become more prevalent? Is there more tragedy in today's world? Even though we are in a never ending stressful society, there is a larger problem in the mix. Depression is misunderstood, misdiagnosed and more importantly mistreated. The anti-depressant market is a business. One should not be on the medication any longer than six months, and yet most if not every person I've talked to has been on it for five, ten, fifteen years. Medical treatments are only adding to the cycle.
Just a side note. I would like to share how depression begins its cycle. It starts off with a Stresser, whether its a tragic event or something smaller like moving to a new area. Stress signals to the amygdala in the brain. The amygdala releases CRH. CRH activates the sympathetic nervous system which releases gluccocorticoids. That's all natural. However, if the stress is chronic the gluccocorticoids stimulates the amygdala which again releases more CRH and so the cycle begins. During this cycle, there are two hormones in the brain that are depleted. Those are Dopamine and Serotonin. These two hormones are key in depression and many other mental disorders. Dopamine in this case helps one see the future or to see themselves going ahead in life. Serotonin gives us that "happy" feeling. It's obvious that when these two hormones are depleted - Depression kicks in (Not feeling "happy" with no hope for the future). These people appear "sad", or "low", or "just not right". But honestly, people will try to hide it the best they can and it can be hard to detect. Ask about or observe sleeping disturbances, appetite changes, energy levels, or a random lost of interests that they previously enjoyed. Possibly take notice of change in relationships, of any chronic illnesses, any tragic events in life, or any talks of hurting or killing themselves. It's important to listen and take action. One thing about depression is the feeling of being ALONE. They can be surrounded by thousands and yet they still feel lonely. They feel like no one understands them and no one cares. Its a vicious cycle.
Here I would like to provide some treatment options. These are mostly things that I have learned about that I would implement in my own practice. I will try to explain each treatment how it can help in the condition.
- Get Adjusted - Depression may not seem like it would be in the scope of chiropractic care, but it is Vital for treating depression. I know that most of my treatment plans may include an adjustment, but I plan on giving valid explanations on why it should be done. An adjustment in this condition will have two main effected. First, proper and healthy brain function depends on sensory input and 90% of our sensory comes from joint proprioception. Adjusting the fixated joints will reconnect sensory input in the brain. Second, a specific adjustment of the spine can help re-establish parasympathetic dominance, relieving the mind and body from the conditional stress.
- Exercise - This is the #1 way to increase Serotonin levels in the brain. There is no other substitute. But one must understand that Depression didn't just happen in days - it took months. And so a light jog now and again won't cut it. It requires committed and determined effort of at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and more activity during the day.
- Yoga - Yoga has been proven over time to heal the body, and it all has to do with its stress relief capabilities. There is a specific kind called Hatha that focuses on deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing exercises help relax the mind and body. Also to avoid constant stress, please refer to my post Don't Stress It
- Counseling - This has to do more than just talking it out. With Depression, there is a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. Seeking counseling helps provide someone they may be able to trust and not feel so "alone"
- Nutritional Support -
- Omega-3 (EPA or DHA) - helps with mental function
- 5-HTP - increases serotonin levels
- Magnesium - increases cellular activity and serotonin function
- Valerian root - used for relaxation and a sleep aid
- PQQ - this may be a last effort supplement, but has shown to increase dopamine levels
I hop this helps. I would like to continue to share more conditions that are common. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions to see if this is headed in the right direction. Thanks
Depression and anxiety (which is a form of depression) disorders can also be hereditary. My husband has dealt with anxiety all his life and was never taken seriously by any doctor he visited -and it was several. He had all sorts of testing done because the anxiety manifested in back pain, stomach pain, headaches, etc. It was a stupid magazine quiz he took (while i was in labor) that he finally figured out what he had. He's been on medication for 5 years and has never felt better. He hates to be on it, and has even weened himself off of it a couple of times, but his chemical make-up just requires the additional help.
ReplyDeleteI think there can be a healthy compromise between natural medicine and modern day medicine. We have found it with him....
Thank you for the input. It can be hereditary, but like ADD or other disorders it is triggered by a stresser. I just don't like saying that something is hereditary because people think they have no other option. People need to be aware if it runs in the family - but it doesn't mean it is written in stone. I think you are right in some cases, medical intervention is necessary, but natural health options should be sought out as well for long term treatment.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that. I am a big believer in chiropractors and their method of medicine. I think I will take your advice and get adjusted to start the healing from this current depressive episode I am in. Thank you.