
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vaccines: A Friend's Reply

Here are some comments I found somehow in my spam from a respected friend and medical intern.  These comments are in regard to my post on Vaccines which brought up some areas of debate.  I unfortunately didn't see them earlier and thought it would be fair for me to share without any alterations, edits, or reply. I respect his position and hope this encourages an open forum -

As mentioned before, I believe your intentions are honest and your desire to provide health advice pure, even if we disagree on several points. You are correct to believe that there has been and continues to be a link between medical training and pharm companies, but I think this relationship is much smaller and less profound than you believe it to be. During my first two years of school, anyone lecturing on pharmacology had to disclose any conflicts of interest. At all national and international meetings where new research and treatments are presented, presenters and authors disclose any conflicts of interest as a matter of routine. Failing to disclose this information or fraudulently denying ties to the pharm companies carries serious consequences and will essentially ruin the career of anyone who does it. As a whole, the medical community is sensitive to this issue because there have been problems in the past, and many changes have been made and regulations put in place to control these problems. (You'll often hear doctors complain they don't even get free pens anymore) Several years ago I read about a Harvard medical student who called out his professor because he failed to disclose his ties to the industry and gave biased lectures. Harvard has since changed policies to keep this from happening again. (Surprisingly, most medical schools already had these policies in place, way to lead the way Harvard) I'm not naive enough to believe there won't ever be problems again at any medical school, and I actually believe some industry money is a good thing provided it is closely monitored and drives innovation and new research. Any education I've received regarding drugs during medical school has been couched in terms of safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics and mechanism of action. Occasionally the price of the drug is brought into the discussion, but only in terms of trying to save the patient money with an equally efficacious and safe generic. I honestly can plead ignorance as to who manufactures almost any of the drugs I've come in contact with during medical school.

Regarding diabetes, diet and exercise, or "lifestyle modification" is always the first step undertaken when treating a patient with diabetes and exists in many official standard of care algorithms used by physicians. I have witnessed this first hand while working in a family practice clinic last year. (This clinic even had a diabetes nutritionist on staff to help educate people with a new diagnosis or anyone who needed further help) As you very well know, not everyone actually modifies their lifestyles, and short of going to their homes and forcing them spit out their sprinkled donuts, there's not much else we can do for people who don't have the desire to change. I'm glad I'll have more than just a hammer in my tool belt when I encounter those patients. When diet and exercise fails, I'll have a wide variety of pharmacological tools to employ, and can actually tailor my therapies in accordance to various co-morbid conditions a particular patient might have. It is true that for patients whose HbA1c levels are off the charts, we will start some drugs right away, but we do try some some prevention before reaction in this instance. For a humorous account about why medicine does tend to be more reactive than proactive, read this link. http://www.pandabearmd.com/2007/04/25/pie-will-out/ a small taste: Most education, like most preaching, is ineffectual. The parson can talk himself blue in the face but the bars will still be open and the fancy women will have no shortage of customers because unless people have some strong personal motivation for change, a motivation which cannot be accessed by the usual uninspired preacher or government scold, they will continue to indulge their immediate gratification at the expense of of some unknowable future punishment. Late at night, when the motivational speakers have gone home and the skinny lady from the university has stopped trying to extract impossible promises, the siren call of the pecan pie in the refrigerator is irresistible. Pie will out. This simple yet seductive desert will trump our best efforts. When you’re three hundred pounds hoping to lose the fleshy equivalent of a couple of sixth graders, the smooth seduction of caramelized Karo syrup and the smokey crunch of jumbo pecans offers immediate gratification with which no nebulous promise of low blood pressure can hope to compete. It was my mistake to bring up the autism link as you did not, and I didn't mean to imply that you did. I should have stated instead that one can't dismiss any and all research showing benefit from vaccines because one believes they are funded by pharm companies. As we both acknowledge, the bias goes both ways. I think we will have part ways about our positions on the flu vaccine. To be clear, your stance in one of opinion and not logic. (Although I whole heartedly admire and acknowledge that your stance on the matter is a rather ballsy one) To believe as you do, that "it is impossible to have any valid vaccine to prevent the flu" is to believe that legions of employees from the CDC, World Health Organization and pharmaceutical companies, as well as countless pediatricians and physicians, most of whom are rather well educated folks who routinely get the flu vaccine themselves, are motivated not by compassion but by greed, and are all in on some massive conspiracy aimed at getting unsuspecting victims to fork up 20 bucks once a year to get thimerosol injections. It is also to believe that all the research supporting the use of the influenza vaccine is written by dishonest people willing to not only gamble their professional credibility, but are willing to inject even their own children to keep the charade alive, year after year. I can't possibly believe that, but I respect the level of conviction needed to.

Monday, July 25, 2011

ADHD - A letter to a mother

This a letter I have recently written to a mother in need with her 3 year old son diagnosed with ADHD:

Dear Mother

I first want to wish you and your son all the best.  I wrote down and looked up my notes on the topic and made a list of things that WILL help.  Much of what I will share came from and can correlate with a power point you can find on an open website - http://box.net/standardprocess

I would recommend that you look and read the power point yourself and to have it to keep it as a reference for you and for your son. There are some major areas of concern when it comes to ADHD, They are Neurological imbalance, Nutritional deficiency, and Allergic reactions.

I think the first thing to do is to find any allergies your son may have.  These are things that are harming your son that need to be eliminated.

1. Sugar - an average child eats 150 lbs of sugar every year.  We need to eliminate our sugar intake.  This includes regular table sugar, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour.  This includes more than just candy.  This includes cereals, juices, milk, ketchup, and dressings.  Even if it claims to be healthy, it can be loaded with sugar. It is important to read the labels and ingredients.  These sugars are refined which makes it difficult for our body to digest, is a valuable food source for bacteria and other infections, and destroys our nerve cells.

2. Food additives - companies have found ways to make food taste better and look better, unfortunately at the expense of our health. These are thins like nitrates, MSG, food dyes, and artificial sweeteners. YES, artificial sweeteners like splenda or nutrasweet.  These are things that are are sweet but claim to be diet or sugar free. Many people try to eliminate sugar by eating these sugar free foods - yet it is more harmful.  Artificial sweeteners have another name - NEUROTOXIN - because that is what they do.  They destroy our brain cells, and should be avoided.

3. Other allergies - You can get an allergy test done.  The most common childhood allergies are egg, peanut, and milk.  Dairy is often a big allergy for children. Dairy is also associated with many gut dysfunctions.  Find any other allergies that may be present and avoid them for the next little while

4. Metal Toxicities - certain heavy metals can have an effect on the brain and nervous system.  You can order a heavy metal toxicity test to see if there may be a problem.  This is best done by a hair analysis.  I have heard that Garlic is the best thing to take to rid of metals in the body.

Nutritional Support
Now that we've eliminated the issues - we now need to replace the body with proper nutrition.  Most of this should come from the foods we eat, but there are certain supplements that have a great effect on ADHD.  Add fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.  The power point has a list of some good foods to include on your diet, but here are a few key points.

1. Drink water or no sugar added juices
2. Eat at least one fresh fruit or vegetable at every meal.
3. Most fats should be good fats - avocados, Omega-3's from fish or tuna or supplements, coconut oil, olive oil.
4. No sugar, dairy, or cereal in the morning - This is a major problem we face in our society.  We inject our kids with sugar every morning and send them off to school where they are forced to sit and listen for hours. It is important to start our mornings off right.  Oatmeal is a good breakfast sweetened with raw honey and cinnamon, or even a smoothie is a good morning meal. It also makes a good treat.  Make smoothies with fresh fruit without adding sugar.  Bananas are a good fruit to sweeten things up naturally or berries.
5. During this time - no processed foods - no foods from packages or no food from restaurants.  Fresh whole foods are so vital for proper nutrition.

Here are a few extra supplemental things to add for best support - (much of these can be found and purchased at Standard Process)

1. Bacopa Complex - Relief of nervous tension and stress, improves mental function and concentration, improves memory and learning,  - very important
2. OPC Synergy - I don't know its exact effects, but helps the Bacopa
3. DHA (Omega -3) - Improves brain function
4 Probiotics - Our gut has billions of bacteria in it - most of which are good for us.  Probiotics are the good bacteria.  Infections and allergies occur when there are very little good bacteria that allows the bad bacteria to grow.  If we include more good bacteria, it will suppress the bad creating a greater balance in our gut
5 A child's multi-vitamin - just another way to make sure your son is getting enough nutrition.

Neurological Imbalance -
This isn't so much treating the cause, but rather providing the best potential possible.  The website recommends doing the nutrition for 100 days or for 3 months. I would try it for the first month, and note any improvements.  After the first month and seeing the improvements - then I would begin including the brain balancing exercises.

1. Go see a Chiropractor - I know I am a chiropractic student, but it is vital to see a chiropractor to help the nervous system function properly and provide the best brain functioning support.  Like I said - 90% of our brain function depends on our joint motion.  A chiropractor adjusts the body to helps the joints move properly.  He can also adjust in a way to balance the brain.

2. Exercise - Get him involved in a committed activity where he is moving and exercising.  Again, motion is good for brain health.  I would strongly suggest to take away and hide the X-Box and to limit TV.  I know he may not like it, but you have to do it.

3. Brain Balancing exercises - There may be certain exercises that you or the chiropractor can do that can help balance the body and thus help balance the brain. This can be as simple as balancing on one leg or other exercises that focus on balance.

I know this may seem like a lot, but I know if you do everything possible for the first month - you will see a great improvement.  He may not like it, and it may get very frustrating at first.  We all get that way when we cleanse our bodies of toxins, but once the body adapts and is filled with the good things - there are great moments ahead.  I am here for any support and for any questions.  I am excited and anxious to hear the progress. Keep me informed.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, or also known as Heartburn or in the medical world as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) is a very common condition that hundreds and thousands have dealt with.  The reason for acid reflux is still unknown and the cause is debated.  Acid reflux is the loss of tone of the lower esophageal sphincter that connects to the stomach, in which stomach acid retracts up the esophagus causing the "heartburn" or a burning chest pain.  The medical world describes the condition as too much acid in the stomach, thus prescribing or suggesting antacids.  However, the mechanism indicates a sphincter issue rather than an acid issue.  I believe many relate Acid reflux with too much acid because in many cases it is associated with eating spicy foods.  But I would like to argue a different point.  The loss of tone in the sphincter may be more of a stress induced issue.

In our nervous system, we have the parasympathetic system that controls our visceral and other functions during rest and relaxation.  The sympathetic system controls these functions during times of stress.  Let me explain, if a bear was chasing you, would that be a stressful situation?  Now, at that moment would it be better to spend energy with your muscles and blood vessels to run, or would it be better to digest your food and slow down your heart? In stressful situations, our body functions how it needs to, thus digestion control is not the main focus.  If digestion is not being controlled, the parasympathetic system that controls the esophageal sphincter doesn't function - thus a dysfunction of the esophagus, creating a lack of tone allowing for the acid in the stomach to retract up.

So, what if we are not being chased by a bear - how is Acid reflux caused? Chronic stress can create the same scenario.  If we never allow the parasympathetic system to function (by always being stressed) then we lose the tone.  Many things can cause stress.  Often, Acid reflux is associated with weight gain, certain foods, alcohol, pregnancy, age (older), caffeine, a fatty diet, eating large meals, smoking, and certain medications.  When it comes to spicy foods, this is a short but direct stresser to the body.  Sweating is a sympathetic function, often accompanied with eating spicy foods, so therefore the parasympathetic is not functioning and the sphincter is loose. For older patients, it is best to check other conditions first such as peptic ulcers, esophageal cancer, or Barrett's esophagus which can lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma.

So how would I begin to treat a patient with Acid Reflux -

  1. Get Adjusted - Again, many of my treatments will include an adjustment, but I will do my best to back up my answers.  There are several different methods that can be done with an adjustment.  First, stress is a right minded issue and so adjusting segments on the right side of the body will activate the left side of the brain, thus re-establishing the balance and reduce the stress.  Second, adjusting certain segments of the body that are associated with the parasympathetics would help activate the parasympathetic system.  And third, there is a specific segment associated with the nerves that control the esophagus.  Usually adjusting the middle back will help with the condition.
  2. Relax - This is a stress issue, so it is best to find some relaxation and reduce that stress.  I'm not just talking about sitting on the couch in front of the TV, but to take time for yourself and truly de-stress
  3. Avoid the Stressers - Many people know what triggers their reflux.  These stressers need to be avoided.  However, many people don't realize that their weight or medications could be the cause as well.  Take note of the list of things that could be possible causes
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar - taking about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve the condition. I have heard this a couple of times.  I would like to see how well it works, but it is highly recommended.  Again, this is not an acid issue.  In fact, it may be actually a lack of acid in this condition.  Because if proper digestion is altered, then acid is not being produced. 
  5. Change diet habits - Acid reflux is often associated with eating large meals and lying down.  Changing our diet habits can help by eating smaller frequent meals during the day.  Avoid lounging or lying down after meals.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Realizing that most of my class work is coming to an end and there's not as much new material presented, I thought it would be best fit to redirect the focus of my blog.  I will still try to post things I find and hear in class or in any outside settings. And I will still try to post articles that come my way. I am also open for any suggestions.  However, I am soon to be entering my clinical portions of school and thought it would be more insightful to you and more valid for me to share certain conditions that real people are dealing with.  I will try sharing common conditions, telling what the condition is, how it presents and most importantly what I would do or what can be done to help treat these conditions.  I think and hope it can help many who suffer on a daily basis with no options provided.  I will start with Depression.

Depression is more than just sadness.  It's more than just grieving or sorrow.  Depression is a chronic state of mind that effects the nervous system, physiology and the physical condition.  It is often triggered by a tragic event in one's life either a death in the family or going through a divorce, but it doesn't always have to.  It can be as simple as having a chronic illness or dealing with a stressful environment.  About 10-20% of patients treated in a medical office suffer from depression is more common in women.  The statistics vary, however, anti-depressant drugs are the most common prescribed drugs on America - costing $44 Billion annually.

Depression is a very serious condition.  It can be accompanied by a chronic illness which perpetuates the situation and can lead to even more serious conditions such as Bipolar disorder, Mood disorder, and even suicide. But why has it become more prevalent? Is there more tragedy in today's world? Even though we are in a never ending stressful society, there is a larger problem in the mix.  Depression is misunderstood, misdiagnosed and more importantly mistreated.  The anti-depressant market is a business. One should not be on the medication any longer than six months, and yet most if not every person I've talked to has been on it for five, ten, fifteen years.  Medical treatments are only adding to the cycle.

Just a side note.  I would like to share how depression begins its cycle.  It starts off with a Stresser, whether its a tragic event or something smaller like moving to a new area.  Stress signals to the amygdala in the brain.  The amygdala releases CRH.  CRH activates the sympathetic nervous system which releases gluccocorticoids. That's all natural.  However, if the stress is chronic the gluccocorticoids stimulates the amygdala which again releases more CRH and so the cycle begins. During this cycle, there are two hormones in the brain that are depleted. Those are Dopamine and Serotonin. These two hormones are key in depression and many other mental disorders.  Dopamine in this case helps one see the future or to see themselves going ahead in life.  Serotonin gives us that "happy" feeling.  It's obvious that when these two hormones are depleted - Depression kicks in (Not feeling "happy" with no hope for the future).  These people appear "sad", or "low", or "just not right".  But honestly, people will try to hide it the best they can and it can be hard to detect.  Ask about or observe sleeping disturbances, appetite changes, energy levels, or a random lost of interests that they previously enjoyed.  Possibly take notice of change in relationships, of any chronic illnesses, any tragic events in life, or any talks of hurting or killing themselves. It's important to listen and take action.  One thing about depression is the feeling of being ALONE.  They can be surrounded by thousands and yet they still feel lonely.  They feel like no one understands them and no one cares.  Its a vicious cycle.

Here I would like to provide some treatment options.  These are mostly things that I have learned about that I would implement in my own practice.  I will try to explain each treatment how it can help in the condition.

  1. Get Adjusted - Depression may not seem like it would be in the scope of chiropractic care, but it is Vital for treating depression.  I know that most of my treatment plans may include an adjustment, but I plan on giving valid explanations on why it should be done.  An adjustment in this condition will have two main effected.  First, proper and healthy brain function depends on sensory input and 90% of our sensory comes from joint proprioception.  Adjusting the fixated joints will reconnect sensory input in the brain.  Second, a specific adjustment of the spine can help re-establish parasympathetic dominance, relieving the mind and body from the conditional stress.
  2. Exercise - This is the #1 way to increase Serotonin levels in the brain.  There is no other substitute. But one must understand that Depression didn't just happen in days - it took months.  And so a light jog now and again won't cut it.  It requires committed and determined effort of at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and more activity during the day.
  3. Yoga - Yoga has been proven over time to heal the body, and it all has to do with its stress relief capabilities.  There is a specific kind called Hatha that focuses on deep breathing exercises.  Deep breathing exercises help relax the mind and body.  Also to avoid constant stress, please refer to my post Don't Stress It
  4. Counseling - This has to do more than just talking it out.  With Depression, there is a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.  Seeking counseling helps provide someone they may be able to trust and not feel so "alone"
  5. Nutritional Support
  • Omega-3 (EPA or DHA) - helps with mental function
  • 5-HTP - increases serotonin levels
  • Magnesium - increases cellular activity and serotonin function
  • Valerian root - used for relaxation and a sleep aid
  • PQQ - this may be a last effort supplement, but has shown to increase dopamine levels
I hop this helps.  I would like to continue to share more conditions that are common.  I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions to see if this is headed in the right direction. Thanks

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    McDonald's: Adding Insult To Injury

    I just returned from McDonald's (don't judge me).  It was a birthday party and felt obligated to go. Besides the fact that I believe fast food restaurants are the single evil that has destroyed our health as a society, I'm not really railing on food chains. It was more the accessories that I noticed this time around.  This particular restaurant has been recently remodeled, and so it is very up to date.  However, it changed from a large square room with booths to a multi-room entertainment center.  The main room was rectangular with two 30 something inch flat screens on the wall, and every booth had a touch screen TV that had several different games on it to play.  In the back was a lounge with leather seats and a 52 inch flat screen on the wall playing CNN or something.  Even the kids area all had touch screens at the booths.  If it wasn't for the small play area - that place was more like a grave site.

    I'm sorry to sound so grim, but it truly was shocking to me. It's not just McDonald's.  Our society just doesn't get it.  Not only is the food a health risk, they add on to the problem.  Now we have TV's while we eat which only creates worse of a problem.

    McD's now stands for Myocardial Infarction, Cancer, and Diabetes - because that's what you're going to get when you eat there.  You might as well just order it with your triple mcdouble patty with bacon.
    Customer: I'll have the McCardial Burger with a large tumor
    Worker: Would you like some Diabetes with that?
    Customer: Do you have Insulin-resistant?
    Worker: No sorry, we just have insulin free diabetes
    Customer: Ok, I'll take that  . . . and can you throw in some packets of ADD

    I'm not trying to make lite of the issue, I'm trying to show how serious of an issue this truly is. Not only are we eating the food.  Now we are sitting motionless watching TV while we eat, promoting obesity.  Now we are distorting our posture, creating mental dysfunction.  Now we are watching CNN or whatever, creating stresses while we eat which decreases are digestion, promoting release of cancer causing agents as our food sits in our digestive tract.  This is real stuff.  Wasn't it nice back in the day when all we had to do was worry about the food we are eating? It's only getting worse my friends.  Hang in there.  Take control.

    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Melaleuca: The Wellness Company

    In Chiropractic philosophy, we are taught and we preach about the three T's: Trauma, Toxins, and Thoughts.  I have mentioned them on here myself.  Traumas are simple to understand when it comes to the chiropractic adjustment.  Thoughts are also intuitive as we've discussed the effects of stress and the power of positive thinking.  However, when it comes to Toxins, we hear about it without doing much about it.  Most of us go about doing the same routine as before, eating the same foods, using the same detergents, using the same soaps, putting on the same makeup and hair gel, and even brushing our teeth with the same tooth paste all of these with chemicals and toxins that harm our body.  But it simply isn't our fault.  We are left with no other options  When we get injured, there are choices out there to help our body heal.  When we are stressed, there are choices out there to help us de-stress.  Besides nutrition, there are nearly no other options to protect us against harmful chemicals.

    In the recent years, many companies have picked up and ran with the "Go Green" slogan. However, The only thing "Green" about these products is the title.  A Mercola article helps explain how these claims are deceiving. Green Cleaners. Using the terms "Geen" and "Natural" is all a marketing scheme.  It may be that some of the ingredients are "Naturally" found or that the container is biodegradable while still containing harmful ingredients. And in some cases, some companies may even omit certain materials from the ingredients list.  So why hasn't there been a real effort in these companies to provide better and safer products?  Some have with failing results.  It is not a mystery that these products are harmful.  We put them up high or down low in less accessible areas.  They often come with childproof lids and the cabinets are often childproof as well. It is any mother's nightmare that their child should get into the cleaning products.  That fear became a reality in my own family.  These products can hurt, damage and even kill - and yet we use them on a daily basis.  Since July of 2010 - Phosphorus has been limited in cleaning products (not eliminated, but reduced) after a long effort.  Phosphorus as been a long lasting staple in cleaning products used as the main ingredient which increased the effectiveness.  However, phosphorus is also known to promote algae proliferation and thus killing marine life.  This was an environmental act, not a health act.  So what are the remaining chemicals often used in these products?
    • 2-butoxyethanol - destroys red blood cells, damages reproductive organs, causes birth defects (no research on carcinogenic effects have been done)
    • Ammonia - irritating to eyes, nose, throat, damaging to lungs and digestive tract, damage to heart and nervous system
    • 1,4 - dichlorobenzene - irritation to nose and throat, dizziness, asthma
    • Nonylphenol ethoxylates - reproductive defects, liver damage, kidney damage
    • Chlorine - irritation to eyes, nose, throat, damage to lungs and digestive tract, damage to heart and nervous system.  Creates acid environment in body which destroys cells
    • Glycol ethers - Toxic to lungs, digestive tract, kidney, cardiovascular, nervous system, liver, reproduction, and causes developmental toxicity
    • Phthalates - reproductive damage in boys
    • Ethanolamines - carcinogenic, neurotoxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity
    • Formaldohyde - carinogenic
    And that's just a small list.  There have been 133 unsafe chemicals found in various products in which about 34 of them have been classified by federal law as toxic or hazardous.  In my search on these chemicals, I often found the phrase, "cheap" or "inexpensive" - These companies risk health over dollars, and if it has taken this long to finally rid of phosphorus to help the environment, we can't sit around waiting for something to be done for our health.  We need a better option -

    I would like to introduce you to Melaleuca - The Wellness Company.  This company started just over 25 years ago with the goal to provide natural, chemical-free products that was safe for the family, the home, and the environment.  Melaleuca is actually a name of a plant also known as Tea Tree in which we get the essential Tea Tree Oil used commonly as an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent.  This became the bases of the company that bares the same name - to use natural and safer ingredients to achieve effective results. There are now over 300 products ranging from laundry detergent, to makeup, to protein shakes, to tooth paste - all chemical-free and safe.  They were Green before anyone knew what "green" was - no marketing scheme

    But it goes beyond being natural.  Not only are all the products safe for the family, home and environment, but these products have greater benefits
    • They are more effective
    • They last longer
    • Save you money
    We have personally used these products off and on.  My wife used to work for them and was able to get free products monthly.  She swore by these products, saying the clothes washed better, her teeth felt better, her skin felt better, and everything cleaned better than any other product.  When we got married, we weren't sure if we could keep with them and decided to use other products.  For these nearly six years, my wife has constantly compared what we were using to Melaleuca products.  We finally and just recently decided to make the switch again.  The products do work better and they last longer because they are more concentrated.  A bottle of lotion will last for months.  A bottle of laundry soap will do 96 loads compared to the 32 loads of other brands.  The Melaleuca brand costs about $5 dollars more, but when it lasts three times as long and cleans better - you are getting a better product that lasts longer and truly saves you money - and not to let you forget, it's all chemical free and safe.

     I'm truly not trying to sell anything.  We talk about avoiding toxins for our health and it's about time we do something.  It's about time we make the switch.  But mainly, most people don't even know there is even an option.  You can visit Melaleuca.com for more information about the company and their products.  If you are interested in making the switch and to choose better products for our health - you can contact me or I do have a friend who sells Melaleuca locally.  I'll leave our contact information at the bottom. Our bodies are amazing, and have a great knowledge to adapt and filter the toxins, but we are now exposed too much - much more than ever before.  Avoiding these chemicals can have a great benefit in our life.

    Tyson - nd53irish24@gmail.com
    Steven- aprilandsteven@wedeliverwellness.com