
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Relax

This post is kinda a repeat of an early post, but I wanted to try to focus on some specifics.  I have mentioned before that we are living in a stressful society.  The demands of life are great and only increasing.  We believe we are become more efficient, with access to information and communication like never before, but unfortunately we are only becoming depleted and run down.  Stress is a major factor in our life that needs to be taken seriously and resolved.

To quickly review the consequences of our fast pace lifestyle, we need to understand that our body works on balance.  For this case, this is the Parasympathetic/Sympathetic balance.  The Parasympathetic is the relaxed state of mind, more controlled be the left brain.  The Sympathetic is the right side of the brain dealing with Fight or Flight.  This is our survival mode, which is an essential part of our life.  If we are in danger, it is necessary for our Sympathetic mode to kick in.  This will increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, break down glucose to create energy so that we can run, jump, fight, or whatever is necessary to survive.  Sadly, with the constant stresses, we stay in this mode of "Survival" 24 hrs a day.  If our body stays imbalanced, we will soon be depleted of energy sources, creating muscle aches and pains, fatigue and immune suppression.  This is just the beginning.  We just ignore the early signs.  90% of Americans are sleep deprived, and yet they keep pushing themselves to keep going.  If we are in pain, we then don't feel like moving.  We become less active, becoming sedentary, often leading to mental illnesses such as Depression, ADD, ADHD, Parkinson's, and much more.

We are familiar with these diseases, right? Yet, we ride them off as just genetic dysfunction- in reality we are actually running ourselves down into the ground and putting ourselves into these illnesses and conditions.  We are running ourselves on low fuel.  We need to Relax.  I would like to share some ideas of how we can relax and put ourselves back into Parasympathetic mode, back into our proper balance.  I first want to just say that many, if not all, of these suggestions can be just as adverse if not done correctly.

  1. Sexual Activity - This seems to draw plenty of attention and is very effective.  Sexual desire is a very left brain state of mind (it makes sense that men are more left brain).  For women, it helps activate their left brain and can help one find relief from stress.  Again, I think this can have a negative reaction if sexual activity is not in a healthy relationship.  If not, it may be physiologically effective at the time, but may bring greater stress in the future.
  2. Get Adjusted - Again, this a very effective way to put your body at ease and in a relaxed state.  In general, an adjustment will help reset the balance physiologically.  But there are specific ways to adjust as well that may help develop and resolve more specific issues.  Getting adjusted on the right side of the body will activate the left side of the brain.  As well as certain spinal segments will or can have beneficial effects to corresponding organs and parts of the body that may be adversely effected.  Getting adjusted has been proven to lower blood pressure systemically.
  3. Talking - This helps explain the difference between men and women.  Women are more right brain, and talking helps balance and activate the left brain.  It is relaxing.  It is the basis of seeing a Councilor- talking helps you feel better, putting your mind at ease.  Neurologically, the Brocca's area of the brain that controls cognitive speech is located in the left side of the brain.  But again, avoid certain topics that may create more stress.  If used as a relaxation tool, focus on positive subjects.
  4. Take a Deep Breath - Receptors to our lungs have a direct effect on our Parasympathetic which will help put us in balance.  As well as taking a deep long breath, holding, and exhaling will help us relax.  It will decrease our heart rate as well as lower our blood pressure all together.  Plus, taking deep breaths will help increase our Oxygen intake and help with our energy deprivation.
  5. Watch a Romance Movie - This is really about visual stimulation, whether it be at an art gallery or watching a movie, visual stimulation is part of the Parasympathetics.  But I include romance movies, because it also includes our lacrimal glands which controls our tears.  I may be giving away a man's secret, but there's a reason why a man will endure a chick flick.  Visual stimulation + tears = left brain activation = sexual desire.  (Again, pick the chick flick over the horror thriller for relaxation efforts)
  6. Eating - I put this last because it may not be the best suggestion for a therapeutic, but it is effective.  This is the basis of over eating.  People over eat because it makes them feel good, its relaxing, it brings comfort.  But if there is a need to bring balance, eating something stimulates the Parasympathetics.  Once more, certain foods that are spicy or minty may have an adverse reaction.  The spice on our tongue receptors may trigger a more Sympathetic response- but for the most part, most foods should bring comfort.  I also want to just suggest in this section that eating should be done in a relaxed state any way.  Rarely do we just sit to eat.  We are either running around or in a meeting, and if we are sitting, we think we are being productive by multi tasking by watching a show, or doing homework (or typing on their blog, lol).  This multi tasking is putting more stress as we eat, and creates digestive problems.
Hopefully this gives you a good start and how to relax.  Please review my other post, Don't Stress It, on how we can avoid stresses in our lives as well.  Please utilize these ideas to help your body relax and find balance.  Take a deep breath . . . . and just Relax

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