
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Roadtrip

Who likes going on road trips?  Whether you had a bad experience, or the time of your life, road trips are always an adventure.  When I think of the ultimate road trip, I think of my trip I made almost two years ago from my home in Boise, Idaho to attend school in Dallas, Texas.  It was a trip over 2,000 miles, all alone in a small Toyota Echo with no AC and filled to the top with whatever didn't fit in the moving truck.  It certainly was an adventure.

Now, think about that road trip, specifically the car.  What if the gas tank was filled up half way, how far do you think I would get?  What if the car had an electrical short in the engine, how far do you think I would get? And what if there was a flat tire on one side . . . how far do you think I would get?  Not very far probably . . . . But that is exactly how we are living day in and day out as a society.  We go through life on low fuel, with an electrical short and a flat tire on one side.  I would like to explain these situations we have placed ourselves in.

The half a tank of gas is our energy system.  This is our sleep and our nutrition which provides us with the necessary fuel.  90% of Americans are sleep deprived.  Not a good way to start out, and our nutrition isn't any better.  Our nutrition has changed from whole foods to processed.  We are now eating products, not foods (I just drank a "Coke", I just ate "McDonalds").  Our effort to eat healthy is to either choose Sugar (which depresses our immune system, defects our nerves, and causes weight gain) or to play it safe and use a Sweetener (which destroys our brain cells).  We need to provide ourselves with proper sleep and good healthy eating habits if we are to start this road trip the right way . . . or we aren't going very far.

The electrical short in the engine is our mental health, mainly our brain.  The nervous system is the master engine of our body.  What causes an electrical short in our bodies.  These are known as the three T's - Trauma, Toxins, and Thoughts.  All these effect our body structure, which then interferes with our nerves.  We need to avoid the traumas, toxins, and thoughts, and make sure our body is aligned and in tune to function properly . . . or we aren't going very far.

The flat tire is about balance.  It is important to keep a proper balance, physically, physiologically, and mentally.  One that I would like to focus on is Stress.  Our body needs a balance of stress and relaxation.  We need relaxation to keep our body from being overworked and our systems running efficiently, but we also need moments of stress to keep us going- our moments of "Survival".  Unfortunately, we are faced with stressers from the time we get up to the time we lay back down that night.  It seems impossible to avoid it.  However, if we are always faced with stressers, we run ourselves out.  This is why we begin to see sleep deprivation which then turns into chronic fatigue and then into chronic pains.  And if someone isn't feeling well and in pain, they become less active and become sedentary which then leads to more serious conditions such as Chronic Depression, ADD, ADHD, Parkinson's and much more.  We need to maintain a proper balance in our lives Physically, Mentally and Physiologically . . . or else we really aren't going to get very far.

Who often finds themselves on low fuel, pushing it to see how far into Empty we can go before refuelling?  Who finds themselves feeling or hearing strange noises and just shrugs it off as nothing? More importantly, who sees the "Check Engine" lights and just ignores it, or even tries to cover it up?  Now, I didn't ask about your car . . . I asked about you.  Are you running on low fuel, pushing yourself to just keep going?  Are you hearing or feeling strange things and just shrug it off as nothing?  Are you seeing the "Check Engine" light (pointing to head)?

When I planned my trip, I had a goal in mind.  I was going to Dallas, Texas and nothing was going to stop me.  I made the necessary precautions to make sure my vehicle was functional and ready for the trip.  I bought a map, I bought new tires, I got a tune up and I filled my gas tank to Full.  I drove through rain, thunder and lightning and even through the high winds of Wyoming and through the endless plains of Kansas, but I kept going  . . . because I had a plan and a Goal.  I encourage everyone to set yourself a Goal of where you want yourself to be, and taking every precaution necessary to get you there.  Prepare and maintain your vehicle . . and enjoy your Trip

Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Relax

This post is kinda a repeat of an early post, but I wanted to try to focus on some specifics.  I have mentioned before that we are living in a stressful society.  The demands of life are great and only increasing.  We believe we are become more efficient, with access to information and communication like never before, but unfortunately we are only becoming depleted and run down.  Stress is a major factor in our life that needs to be taken seriously and resolved.

To quickly review the consequences of our fast pace lifestyle, we need to understand that our body works on balance.  For this case, this is the Parasympathetic/Sympathetic balance.  The Parasympathetic is the relaxed state of mind, more controlled be the left brain.  The Sympathetic is the right side of the brain dealing with Fight or Flight.  This is our survival mode, which is an essential part of our life.  If we are in danger, it is necessary for our Sympathetic mode to kick in.  This will increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, break down glucose to create energy so that we can run, jump, fight, or whatever is necessary to survive.  Sadly, with the constant stresses, we stay in this mode of "Survival" 24 hrs a day.  If our body stays imbalanced, we will soon be depleted of energy sources, creating muscle aches and pains, fatigue and immune suppression.  This is just the beginning.  We just ignore the early signs.  90% of Americans are sleep deprived, and yet they keep pushing themselves to keep going.  If we are in pain, we then don't feel like moving.  We become less active, becoming sedentary, often leading to mental illnesses such as Depression, ADD, ADHD, Parkinson's, and much more.

We are familiar with these diseases, right? Yet, we ride them off as just genetic dysfunction- in reality we are actually running ourselves down into the ground and putting ourselves into these illnesses and conditions.  We are running ourselves on low fuel.  We need to Relax.  I would like to share some ideas of how we can relax and put ourselves back into Parasympathetic mode, back into our proper balance.  I first want to just say that many, if not all, of these suggestions can be just as adverse if not done correctly.

  1. Sexual Activity - This seems to draw plenty of attention and is very effective.  Sexual desire is a very left brain state of mind (it makes sense that men are more left brain).  For women, it helps activate their left brain and can help one find relief from stress.  Again, I think this can have a negative reaction if sexual activity is not in a healthy relationship.  If not, it may be physiologically effective at the time, but may bring greater stress in the future.
  2. Get Adjusted - Again, this a very effective way to put your body at ease and in a relaxed state.  In general, an adjustment will help reset the balance physiologically.  But there are specific ways to adjust as well that may help develop and resolve more specific issues.  Getting adjusted on the right side of the body will activate the left side of the brain.  As well as certain spinal segments will or can have beneficial effects to corresponding organs and parts of the body that may be adversely effected.  Getting adjusted has been proven to lower blood pressure systemically.
  3. Talking - This helps explain the difference between men and women.  Women are more right brain, and talking helps balance and activate the left brain.  It is relaxing.  It is the basis of seeing a Councilor- talking helps you feel better, putting your mind at ease.  Neurologically, the Brocca's area of the brain that controls cognitive speech is located in the left side of the brain.  But again, avoid certain topics that may create more stress.  If used as a relaxation tool, focus on positive subjects.
  4. Take a Deep Breath - Receptors to our lungs have a direct effect on our Parasympathetic which will help put us in balance.  As well as taking a deep long breath, holding, and exhaling will help us relax.  It will decrease our heart rate as well as lower our blood pressure all together.  Plus, taking deep breaths will help increase our Oxygen intake and help with our energy deprivation.
  5. Watch a Romance Movie - This is really about visual stimulation, whether it be at an art gallery or watching a movie, visual stimulation is part of the Parasympathetics.  But I include romance movies, because it also includes our lacrimal glands which controls our tears.  I may be giving away a man's secret, but there's a reason why a man will endure a chick flick.  Visual stimulation + tears = left brain activation = sexual desire.  (Again, pick the chick flick over the horror thriller for relaxation efforts)
  6. Eating - I put this last because it may not be the best suggestion for a therapeutic, but it is effective.  This is the basis of over eating.  People over eat because it makes them feel good, its relaxing, it brings comfort.  But if there is a need to bring balance, eating something stimulates the Parasympathetics.  Once more, certain foods that are spicy or minty may have an adverse reaction.  The spice on our tongue receptors may trigger a more Sympathetic response- but for the most part, most foods should bring comfort.  I also want to just suggest in this section that eating should be done in a relaxed state any way.  Rarely do we just sit to eat.  We are either running around or in a meeting, and if we are sitting, we think we are being productive by multi tasking by watching a show, or doing homework (or typing on their blog, lol).  This multi tasking is putting more stress as we eat, and creates digestive problems.
Hopefully this gives you a good start and how to relax.  Please review my other post, Don't Stress It, on how we can avoid stresses in our lives as well.  Please utilize these ideas to help your body relax and find balance.  Take a deep breath . . . . and just Relax

Monday, February 21, 2011

More on Motion and Parkinsons

I just wanted to add a few notes on my last post about Motion.  I know I didn't cover everything, but I just wanted to add a vital importance on joint health.  Most joints in our body are movable.  What makes them so freely movable is a slick fluid called Synovial fluid.  This synovium is slicker than ice, and allows the joint to move with ease.  This is vital for joint health.  Without it, the joint would degenerate quickly and become immobile.  What keeps this Synovial fluid continiously going?  The one and only real effect on joint health is MOTION.  Motion to our joints keeps the Synovial fluid flowing, keeping our joints freely movable, as well as providing the necessary nutrients to the surrounding tissues.

I also forgot to add Depression on the list of conditions that occur with lack of sensory input.  This is an overlooked condition that is not taken as serious as other neurological conditions, and sadly is mistreated.  It hasn't been overlooked by the medical profession, as we now see commercial after commercial and ad after ad. The number one prescribed drug in the U.S. are Anti-Depresents.  Drugs that have more side effects that actual results, and only attempt to relieve one of symptoms rather than treating the real problem.  But Depression usually just doesn't happen, but derives from other untreated conditions that inhibit ones sensory input- Mostly inhibiting Motion.

I also wanted to add a link about the recent research on Parkinson's and their results from exercise.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Motion is Life!

I've been at Board Reviews all weekend, and I have been thinking of some topics to try and write about, and then it all started to flood- so get ready! One major theme that keeps coming up is how important Motion is and then I remembered the quote, "Motion is Life".  Seems important enough

I will try not to get too neurological on you all (or in Texas- ya'll).  I'll try to keep it as simple as I can.  The brain is a very complex, misunderstood and under appreciated organ.  But basically it is split up into 4 major parts. There is the very back and bottom part called the Cerebellum which is your unconscious function, controlling all the things you don't even think about doing.  There is the middle/back area responsible for sensory (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch).  There is the front part called the Frontal Lobe which is your Thinking and Behavior. And there is the deeper part of the brain called the "Old Brain"  or known as the Limbic System which is more responsible for Emotion and Memory.  The cool part about understanding these different parts is that they all have their checks and balances and knowing how they effect one another.

The Limbic System or "Old Brain" is our animal instincts, our primal function.  This is the "What we want to do".  The Frontal Lobe is the "What we should do".  This part of the brain is our behavior modifier, controlling our primitive impulses and creating our Right and Wrong.  This is what we witness with those who are drunk and lose all control of right and wrong.  Alcohol dampens the Frontal Lobe and their control of the Limbic System is weakened and we often see poor judgement and unchecked actions.  But what feeds and supports the Frontal Lobe?  Our sensory input supports our Frontal Lobe.  We see this often with children, usually when they sit around the house all day and they become whiny.  Their lack of sensory input weakens the Frontal Lobe which then manifests in primitive, whiny behavior = Acting out. (Sadly we act the same as adults too)

So now we begin to see the connections.  Our sensory helps with our behavior and thinking which then helps with our ability to make good decisions.  But this goes way beyond understanding the unapproved behavior of a drunk or why my kid won't stop crying.  This is the same connection in which we begin to see bigger problems manifested as ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurological degradations.  These are the same disorders we see with people who are mentally disturbed and found on the news for going on a killing spree.  As a society, we are lacking in our sensory input.  We sit at desks all day.  We sit in front of the TV.  Kids sit and play video games.  We partake in activities and tasks that require us to no longer Think (the function of our Frontal Lobe).

90% of our sensory input comes from our joint position= MOTION.  Puts a whole new emphasis on the phrase- Motion is Life.  It truly is, it truly is a matter of life and death.  If we stop moving, we die.  Motion increases our brain function and brain health.  This is why we see a child playing sports doesn't manifest ADD.    This is why a patient with Parkinson's riding a bike no longer has any symptoms.  This is why an elderly person who stays active is healthy compared to one who sits at a home all day speedily and dramatically declining in their brain function.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise.  It is essential.  But it is more than that.  It is making sure the body is capable of full motion.  It is vital to make sure the spine and joints of the body are freely moving.  Not only can a fixed and non free joint reduce motion, but can interfere with other sensory impulses to the brain.  Adding 20 jumping jacks to our daily routine can make a significant difference to our Health- to our Life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Are We Getting Any Healthier

I just read this quote-
"If medicine is about health, then why do we keep building more hospitals"
-Dr. Haggerton

And then I just saw this article- "Physician offices projected to see a decade of significant job growth"

Which poses the question, if the medical field is growing, then are we getting healthier?  Which is a fair question to ask.  If we aren't getting healthier, then where is our money going to?  What about all our resources and research?  What about the whole medical system?  If we aren't getting healthier, then are we headed in the right direction?  We need to take a long hard look at the current system we are cycling in and see where we stand.  If the field is growing, if the research is moving forward, if our technology is advancing- then shouldn't we see a dramatic increase in health?

There is a governmental program that looks at this very issue and monitors the health care of this country.  For every decade they make goals for those ten years and work to progress in those goals.  This is called Healthy People, which has just recently ended.  The most recent is called Healthy People 2010 and the results will come out this spring to look back on the past decade.  But there is an article that has taken an early glimpse on the predicted results.  http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2010/05/05/early-report-card-on-healthy-people-2010-barely-a-c/.

So how do we measure up?  Not good.  Only 19% of the goals set we actually met and only 52% of the goals are predicted to show any progression.  This is not a final result, but statistics show that many major health issues continue to climb in numbers, such as Smoking, Obesity, and Diabetes.  And even though Heart Disease has declined, it has completely missed the mark.  The article rates our Health Goals with a low C grade.  The new Healthy People 2020 has just begun, hopefully we can make better progress.  But we can see that the system we are trapped in is not going to get us there.

I just wanted to add a couple articles that were brought to my attention that have been related to some previous posts.  I hope you read them.  They are short and an easy read, and they give some great insight on the subjects.  The first article shares how forward head posture is related to tension headaches.  It was just nice to see something out there backing up the importance of keeping good posture and a good curve in our neck.  This article only touches on the association of headaches, but hopefully you can see the other effects it can have on our body systemically. http://drmaj.com/new-study-shows-how-chiropractic-can-help-with-tension-headaches/.  

The next article just came out and was shared this morning. http://www.yourspine.com/Chiropractic/Chiropractic%20Improves%20Brain%20Function.aspxIt helps back up my recent post on Parkinsons Disease and how Chiropractic can help with brain function. "Chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on the Central Nervous System (CNS), specifically on the four primary frequencies of brain function  . . . associated with a greater degree of relaxation, health and healing."  Pretty awesome stuff!