
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What IS Chiropractic?

What is chiropractic?  You could say that it is the philosophy and the study of the body as a whole, including the anatomy and physiology, to restore and provide optimal function and health to an individual using the approach that the body has the ability to adapt, protect, and even heal itself . . .  But what does that mean?

Chiro Praktikos meaning "Concerned With Hand"  was founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, a student of magnetic healing and bonesetting sciences.  The first "adjustment" was administered to Harvey Lillard, who later told Palmer that his hearing had greatly improved.  D.D. Palmer concluded that bone manipulation can restore function to the body.  Bone manipulation was not a new idea as it has been a deep tradition in many ancient cultures and fizzled out in the shadows of modern medicine.  However, D.D. Palmer structured his findings with a philosophy that has not only withstood time but is one in which modern medicine tries to keep up with. Today, chiropractors around the world treat thousands of patients, restoring function to the body - each with their own "Harvey Lillard" moments as they witness the marvelous power of the body.  What once started as one simple adjustment - has grown into an aray of holistic health care which benefits thousands each and every day.

Visiting a chiropractic office for the first time may feel out of place - the language may sound foreign - the friendly service may even seem unusual.  Chiropractic care has expanded into so many facets, but the basics often remain the same.  An "Adjustment" is the actual correction of any bone misalignment.  Most people are familiar with the cavitating "cracking" sound.  When two bones meet together, they are ajoined by a joint space, allowing the two bones to move around each other.  When the bones move around, often there can be restrictions and the joint forms pockets of gas.  Once the bones are realigned and the restrictions are removed, the joints are opened up and the gas is released creating the well known "popping" sound.  This is often done by hand, but can be assisted in many ways in many different techniques.

Why is this done?  Why do thousands come in every day to get adjusted?  The answer is in the philosophy.  Most people associate chiropractors with bones, but the skeletal system is only the supporting structure to the greater system of our body.  That is the nervous system.  There is only a small percentage we fully understand of the nervous system, and we are learning new things each day of its capabilities.  However, what we do know is that the nervous system is the master system of the body.  It controls and regulates every single part of our body even down to each individual cell. In utero, the nervous system is the first system to develop in which in turn helps regulate the rest of the fetal development.  The spine not only provides us with structure, but incases the spinal cord that connects our brain to the rest of our body. Chiropractors are not bone doctors, but rather nerve doctors that understand the relation of the bones to the function of the nervous system.  When a bone becomes misaligned, it can cause restriction and later imflammation to the surrounding tissue.  This inflammtion is often accompanied by chemical that produce pain and irritation to the nerve, and thus effecting the nerves function.  This can be illustrated in many ways, but the best way is thinking of a light switch to the lightbulb.  If there is any intereference to the circuit, the light cannot turn on.  Same with the nervous system, if there is any interference to the nerve fibers, they cannot function as properly, creating no power to the source whether it be to a muscle, to the kidneys, or to the lungs.  If the nervous system isn't working - we cannot function as we were meant to. We call this interference Subluxation.  In the medical terminology, a luxated joint is a joint that has been seperated.  Subluxation is where there is misalignment or disfunction to a joint, but not to the point of being luxated, thus interfereing with the surrounding tissues and nerve fibers,

There are three ways subluxations can occur in the body often categorized as the three T's:  Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts.  Traumas are easily explained and understood of how a bone can become misaligned and effect the nerve.  However, injuries don't always have to be major.  In fact, most causes are minor and repetative motions that we don't think too much about.  It can be repetative twisting, or always carrying a bag on one side, or a sleeping position.  Toxins are the things we put into or on our bodies, from foods to makeup, to what we breath in.  These chemicals can cause inflammation in our body effecting the surrounding tissue and nerve fibers.  The inflammation can cause restrictions within the joints as well.  The fnal one are our thoughts.  I often associate this with stress.  We live in a society today where stress is all around is.  As good as our body is at adapting, we often overstress ourselves.  This can effect our posture, muscle tension, chemical imbalance, brain function and so much more that can create havoc on our nervous system and our over all health.  I read a message saying - "You think over 60,000 thoughts a day - don't waste 59,999 of them on negative limited thinking"

So what can chiropractic do for you?  Several people come in and associate chiropractic with back pain.  Even though chiropractic care is the best proven treatment for back pain, that is only the beginning of what chiropractic has to offer. Lets look at a few.  Chiropractic starts at the beginning - What's the youngest age one can get adjusted?  I'm often confronted with such a question and the quick response is at birth.  Often people are surprised one can be adjusted so young.  My response is - They NEED it.  And more than that, chiropractic should be involved even before birth, before utero, even before the thought of creating life.  Chiropractic care can aid and improve the ability to have children, to assist in proper development, and it is vital to be utilized for delivery.  Chiropractic care can help reduce pain, proper align the pelvis for optimal fetal growth, assist in prenatal care, prevent any unnecessary prodecures or complications, and most of all researtch has shown that regular chiropractic care can reduce the delivery time up to 39%.

Chiropractic and sickness - the nervous system is the master system to all the body, including the immune system.  When the spine is adjusted, it can help increase the immune system to prevent or help treat illnesses.  I want to say, chiropractors do not cure or treat illnesses.  What I am saying is that we help the nervous system to function properly to allow for the individual to treat, heal, cure itself.  The body is amazing.

Chiropractic and headaches - What is the normal frequency for getting a headache?   Once a month?  Once a week?  2-3 times a week?  Every day?  The answer is that headaches are not normal, however - they are frequent.  It is not normal for your head to hurt, and with the convenience of popping a pill we tend to just live with it.  There are several types of headaches and variable factors, but chiropractic care can help relieve and assist in relieving in about 90% of all headaches.  Its not so convenient, and it may not seem financial beneficial - but I can assure you that for someone having to deal with daily headaches - the hope to acheive some sort of relief if not all is beyond price.

The list is endless - chiropractic care is a vital aspect to a range of conditions - from degeneration to muscle weakness to ADD/ADHD to asthma to depression to parkinsons.  While the medical is a miscroscopic view of the matter - Chiropractic continues to expand beyond the physical and ventures into the whole well being of each individual - the possibilities are endless. What IS chiropractic? It's seeing a newborn able to hold her head straight for the first time. It's seeing a young boy recovering from chronic ear infections. It's seeing an expecting mother finally finding relief after several month of being bed ridden. It's seeing a mother finding hope in a fog of anxiety and depression. It's seeing a grandfather finding the energy again to play with his grandchildren. That IS chiropractic!

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