One of my favorite places in the world is the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho. There are spots where you can easily find yourself away from the world surrounded by towering snow capped mountains, engulfed in thick wilderness, and hear nothing but the sound of the trickling stream and the chirping of the nearby forest animals. As you reach the apex and look out beyond of the untouched green forests and the blue glacier chilled lakes and the sun lit mountain peaks - there's nothing but beauty . . . its PERFECT.
In nature, everything has a place. In all natural ecosystems, it is made up of parts that work together to create beauty and perfection. Our own bodies are ecosystems, made up of parts and systems that work together. Our skeletal systems works with our circulatory systems in which works with our immune system which interacts with the digestive system and the urinary system, all under the direction of the nervous system. Each cell interacts with other cells and ions and proteins and other particles. And in each individual cell, it has a nucleus and mitochondria and ribosomes and a cell wall that all need to function perfectly to make sure it does its part. Our bodies are amazing and if you look at it just right . . . there's nothing but beauty . . . its PERFECT
It doesn't matter if it is a forest, or a lake, or a marsh, or our own body. Ecosystems are the same. The laws of biology do not change.
1. Ecosystems need no help - no interferences (no human interactions)
2. Ecosystems are self healing (our bodies are self healing)
3. Ecosystems are self regulating (our brain regulates every function, sensory, and thought we ever have - 90% of sensory and brain function we are not aware of)
So if biology applies to all, to the big and small - lets explore some things. If I went to the Sawtooth Mountains I so love and noticed that the fish in the lake were dying, what would I begin to think? If biologists and scientists looked into the situation, what would be their thoughts? What would they look for? For a change in the water? A change in the fish's diet? A change in weather or possibly fly populations? Am I right? So then tell me - what about genes? Do they do a family history on . . . fish?
My point is - no animal species has ever died due to bad genes. Not one! And yet, that is exactly how what we concern ourselves with for our own. This seems to be the buzz word these days, the focus of modern medicine. Our bad genes! Scientist have said to have discovered the breast cancer gene. There is connection that about 60% of these individuals with this gene do develop breast cancer. It is a high number and a high connection. But what about the 40% with the gene that don't develop breast cancer? You cannot rightly say that the gene causes cancer because in 40% of the population, it does not You cannot call it a genetic defect. A genetic defect is one that always is and will be, like Down Syndrome and Tay Sach's Disease in which these certain conditions in about 2% of the population. Genetic defects do not come and go as they please. So if its not the gene, then what is the cause?

This graph shows the rise of chronic illness by age. It significantly rises as we get older. Does that mean our genes suddenly just start becoming bad? It does not happen. Genes don't just change. However, they can express themselves differently - but they do not change. But what causes those genes to express differently is the question. To put the blame on genes is not just absurd and foolish, its just completely idiotic and wrong. Through the history of the human race, or genes have not changed. It is a linear line, as straight as can be with the slightest of variable. It is a simple concept to understand that a linear line has no effect on a inclined slope. Women are choosing to have mastectomies to prevent cancer because they have this gene. This false idea is creating victims, not solutions. It is causing fear, not hope.
So what is the cause? In the scenario with the fish, we looked at changes in its environment. We are no different. What is our environment we put ourselves? Its our posture, our spine health, our diet, our worries and fears, work, school, family - the list continues on and on. We create technology to make things easier and yet it creates more demand, more stress, more havoc on our health. Its never ending. We as a human race, as a nation, and as a society are getting sicker and sicker. Chronic illness have jumped to 45% in the United States and is on a steady incline. We are getting worse and worse, and yet medicine has become more prevalent than ever - becoming the most profitable business. We are ranked 1st as a nation in spending on health care and we ranked 48th in the world. And the comparisons aren't even close. The 2nd country that spends the most is half of what we spend and is ranked in the top ten. The sooner we begin treating people as an actual living, breathing being instead of a disease the better -
I just watched the movie, The Butler. There's a line in the movie where one man tells the other he just better listen and obey if he wants to survive. The man then responds, "I don't want to just survive. I want to live."
When it comes to your health - this is the primary division of medicine and chiropractic. Medicine fails to recognize life and in sense the laws of biology. They don't believe you can heal, they don't believe you can regulate yourself . . . and in response, they interfere. What do they tell you what the problem is? The problem is YOU! The problem is your body, your bad genes, your dysfunctional and incapable physiology. You cannot function, you cannot regulate . . . YOU ARE BROKEN! They may not say that directly, but that is the statement they make as they sign your prescription. "Here, take this blood pressure medicine because your brain is broken and can't fix it . . . so you need a pill" Do you honestly believe that? Do you truly believe your brain - your amazing, unproducible, incomprehensible, beyond imaginable machine of a brain just forgot how? I highly doubt it - your brain knows more than we can ever imagine and knows exactly what to do - And this isn't just the division of medicine and chiropractic - this is the division of fundamental health. The question should always be: Is this interfering or is this removing interference?
As soon as that doctor hands you a pill, or suggests intervention - it is creating interference. Some will claim that the benefits outweighs the risks - that it is a necessary intervention. However they want to phrase it - interference is interference. Man made is man made. Is it removing interference? No - and thus becomes interference itself by nature. No "necessary" intervention is necessary to the natural ecosystem. Its been proven. Many often have told me I have high blood pressure but I am on blood pressure medication, so I am ok. And how so? Because your on medication? Did that fix the cause? DOES SOMEONE HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE BECAUSE THEY HAVE A LIPITOR DEFICIENCY? Studies show that a patient on medication with normal values whether it be high blood pressure, diabetes, or whatever it may be is at the same risk of death and complications as a patient who has high risk levels not on medication. What does that tell you? That medication does NOTHING to your health. All it tells you, if your lucky, is that your levels are normal - at the same time you are dying just the same but this time you don't even know it.
Lets go ahead and take high blood pressure and understand the concept. There are variable factors that may cause high blood pressure. Simply, we will call it stress. Your body as intelligent as it is has an inborn response to stress. As a result, this is to raise blood pressure to increase blood flow to the body to either face the stress head on, or run away from it. Either way, this mechanism is a temporary solution of survival and the blood pressure will return to normal once we have relieved ourselves of that stresser. Now if we have chronic high blood pressure - what should that tell you? It tells you that you never faced or ran away from that stresser . . or in most cases, STRESSERS. We don't get out of situations we put ourselves in. We go to school facing constant assignments, we continue to show up to work we hate, we worry about our finances that never seems to end, we return to a home to an ever-demanding family, we eat like crap and we don't exercise or take care of our body - it goes on and on and on - and it builds and it builds and it builds. We don't change our environment - we just deal with it, but our body can only handle so much. Our stress mechanism is supposed to be temporary and we wear it down until its running on EMPTY. Our blood pressure raises but we never take the time to get out and let ourselves get to normal - we carry on getting sicker and sicker.
When the doctor checks your blood pressure, it reads high and so gives you a pill to lower it. So now the levels are normal - but are you? That pill just interfered with a normal functioning system reacting to stress just as it NEEDED to and now you think you are normal - but the stressers are still there wreaking havoc, creating more damage, slowly wearing you down until you got nothing left. In fact, its still has to meet the demands of the stressers we still create in our lives and the medication is opposing it - now your body has to work that much more to meet demands, wearing it out sooner than if you hadn't done anything at all. Do you see what we are doing to ourselves?
- Over 76% of people are on at least one medication.
- The use of narcotics has increased over 400% in the last 10 years (all of which has a 90% side effect rate, and high addiction rate)
- 1 Million teens are on anti-depressants (1/3 of women are on anti-depressants)
- 2.5 Million children are on Ritalin
- 7 Million children have been labeled as ADHD in last 20 years
- Autism rates have rocketed from 1/10,000 to 1/88 of all children born in the United States
- 80% of all deaths are from a chronic illness = preventable conditions mainly caused by tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, and toxins (most toxins are medication induced)
- 89% of all surgeries result in at least one complication
- 20,500 deaths recorded per year from FDA approved properly administered drugs
45% of Americans are CHRONICALLY ILL and DYING!
I need to first say, I have nothing against medical doctors. I know several doctors and I know they care for patients as much I do and any other person who got into healthcare with a serving purpose. Its not the individual doctors that are failing. They are trying hard, and they are even frustrated because they see their own limits but there's nothing else they can do. Its the system, the culture and changed philosophy of medicine that has created a dying generation. We need to work together to make this work, to create a paradigm shift of health. To be the future doctors we need to be and educate not only our patients but even ourselves on the nature of health. It begins with healing. As a human race, as individuals, as an ecosystem we need to heal from our illnesses. When Mt St. Helens erupts it creates destruction in its path. Anything in its way dies and the land around becomes barren. Given time and removing interference - the land finds life again. Plants begin to bud and grow, the animals return and an ecosystem is reborn, remade and beautiful once again. We can heal, but we have to understand our own selves as a being of life. Our body needs no interference. Our body can regulate itself. Our body can heal - we just have to allow it to.
As a chiropractor, my job and duty as a physician is to remove interference, whatever they may be. Stress comes from all areas, but I label them in three categories
- Spine Health
- Emotion Health
- Nutritional Health
We walk around out of alignment, worry about finances, and continue to eat foods that are harmful to us. Can we truly expect to be healthy? Does this even come as a surprise to us? No, it shouldn't and I don't think for many it doesn't. We know exactly what we put ourselves through. We know we don't eat right and we stress ourselves out to the very moment we place our head on the pillow. And yet, we run the other direction when we need to address the issues that arise from our poor habits and harmful environments.
When it comes to spine health, we often think of pain. My back hurts, or my neck hurts. But this is just the tip of what spine health is. Its weakness, nerve interference, imbalance, misalignment and poor posture. Studies show that a weight of a dime can reduce nerve flow by up to 60% which can effect any other part of our body or system. And that doesn't come from a bone sitting on a nerve. Its as much as inflammation that builds in the surrounding tissues that creates pressure and interference. A decrease in the cervical spine can and will stretch the spinal cord up to 7 cm, leading to disease and dysfunction. Can we start to see where these interferences are coming from? Chiropractic can, through simple adjustments to the spine and body, remove interference allowing the body to heal itself. We do nothing greater than allow the body to return to its natural state and heal itself. Think of that -
Our diet and our emotional stress plays just as big a factor. They often don't show up physically, but can manifest themselves several years down the road in all sorts of ways. These are all interferences that need to be removed. Our bodies are incredible, divinely designed and functional. But it can only take so much abuse and wear and tear until it runs out of resources to survive. Our body won't give up on us until it has no other choice, and we can't give up on it either.
I urge everyone to change your way of thinking of health and understand what is best for you and your own body. We see it clearly than ever before that the modern way is not only not working, but failing us. But the only way to make a change is to change our belief and our views. We say we want better, but we don't believe it and continue in the same path we have been in for decades. Change your belief, and your behavior will follow. Instead of telling yourself you can't afford it, you don't have time, or you don't know how to start - CHANGE!. I can't afford not to, I will find time, and I will start right NOW!. Make that change and it will change you. Let's take the time to heal and finally be healthy