
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Put A Little Spice In Your Life

I just posted a blog on vitamins and minerals and the importance of supplements.  These vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of life, creating the foundation of our body.  90% of diseases can be traced to a mineral/vitamin deficiency.  If fruits and vegetables are Mother Nature's building blocks for a healthy body - then herbs and spices are Mother Nature's medicine.

Literally - herbs are the precursors to modern day medicine.  Instead if trying to extract, import and produce herbs, modern medicine has studied the chemical structures of these agents, created ways to reconstruct their own in a lab, modify it if necessary and mass produce them for a fraction of the price.  Unfortunately, this process does not have as great of effect with all the created side effects.  But mainly, herbs and plants can have the same powerful effect . . . but has been pushed to the wayside and deemed as "foke lore"

Here I wanted to share 10 of the most common herbs and spices used for cooking and their benefits.  They are the more common herbs and spices we can easily find in our kitchen.  Too often we simply add salt for flavor.  Salt used to be a necessary item for preservation, but is now being overused.  They even add salt to hide the rancid flavors of cans sitting on the shelf for weeks.  Before picking up the salt shaker, try some more healthier herbs and spices that bring a better taste to your food and greater health to your body -

Garlic - This is an underused ingredient which can be utilized and cooked with a variety of meals with amazing benefits.
  • Mainly an anti-inflammatory agent but also lowers blood cholesterol, stimulates the immune system, and probably is the best chelating agent (buffering agent) against heavy metal toxicity
Ginger - A great spice used mainly in teas for sinus cold and congestion

  • Used to treat colds and motion sickness

Cheyenne Pepper -

  • An anti-inflammatory agent also used topically to help with arthritis
  • Note - can cause gastrointestinal and skin irritation
Nutmeg - not my favorite spice, but has great benefits

  • Used as a mood elevator and aphrodisiac (no wonder Christmas time is so merry)
  • Can be used to help with asthma, dysmenorrhea, fever, flu or pneumonia
  • Note - taken in excess can cause hallucinogenic effects
Cinnamon - I think this may be another underused spice with amazing benefits.  New research is just coming out on what cinnamon can help with like HIV, Alzheimer's, Arthritis and Cancer

  • Great benefits in helping regulate blood sugar, lowers blood cholesterol and the aroma improves brain function and memory
Curry - Curry is actually a mix of spices.  The three main spices used are Turmeric, Cumin, and Coriander

  • Turmeric  - An anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce pain.  New research shows that it inhibits cancer cell development.  Also an antioxident
  • Cumin - Helps with digestion and is also anti-carcinogenic and anti-fungal
  • Coriander - This is the aged seed of the Cilantro plant and is a great chelating agent for heavy metals
Oregano - One of my favorite pizza herbs

  • Antioxidant and antiseptic
Basil - Another pizza herb, but can be used in so many types of dishes.  Like many of these, so much better used fresh

  • Antioxidant and antiviral
Parsley -

  • Filled with many necessary vitamins and minerals and is antibacterial
  • Note - may induce labor in pregnancy if consumed in excess
Thyme - A spice from the mint family that is great to use for seasoning

  • An anti-inflammatory agent and anti-carcinogenic
  • A powerful antiseptic - used in Melaleuca cleaning products
I just used herbs and spices used for cooking because that is the easiest way to use them and they are more commonly to be found in every home and kitchen.  There are hundreds more herbs with powerful effects that can help treat and protect the body.  I have listed the more common herbs in an earlier post -Remedies - which can help when there are specific conditions of concern.  I hope this helps. Sometimes we get caught up and are trained in just adding salt to put taste in our food.  Go ahead, but a little spice in your life

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