
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Vaccines: Does It Really Make Sense? (I'm just saying)

Gardasil is about the prevention and protection against cervical cancer . . . is the only vaccine that prevents cancer
- Krystie Brashear, A.R.N.P. - Woman to Woman clinic
(The CDC states that cervical cancer is an uncommon consequence to HPV (10%) and if detected has a 90% cure rate - most deaths from HPV are from those who didn't get checked and let the cells get infected.  That's like having a vaccine to prevent cuts because some people don't treat it properly and let it get infected. It is also stated that there are multiple factors that have to occur - not just having HPV - like risk factors, immune suppression, oral contraceptive use and having multiple sexual partners.  Plus, the vaccine only protects against 2 (out of 16) types - does vaccination make any sense?)

HPV vaccine is recommended for girls early as 9
(Really, as early as 9 years of age? The fabricated idea is to vaccinate before they are sexually active.  The scary reality is that Gardasil has only been tested for 5 years and remains ignorant to any serious side effects that may occur later on in life or of any damage done to the reproductive organs.  The vaccine is promoted as a prevention tool but this is misleading much like other vaccines.  Pro-vaccine websites and anti-vaccine websites both have graphs depicting the history of a disease and it's prevalence.  These graphs from both sides are accurate however only show what they want to show.  Anti-vaccine graphs show death rates and how they have already dropped before vaccines were introduced.  Stats show that advanced sanitary precautions reduced death rates before vaccines existed.  Pro-vaccine graphs fail to show this but rather show the number of cases and how the number of cases didn't drop until vaccines were introduced.  As much as this is accurate a majority of those cases were no longer life threatening.  This is the same for Gardasil.  Cervical cancer was prevalent in the United States and a serious problem.  Death rates were high, until Pap Smears were introduced.  Death rates dramatically dropped thereafter.  So Gardasil doesn't reduce deaths, but rather the number of cases, which much like its predecessors - majority of these cases are no longer life threatening and is a misleading claim - does vaccination make any sense?)

Gardasil has been around for several years (*cough*5 years*cough*) and has been very safe . . . risk of death is extremely small
(Of course the CDC and FDA deems it safe when it gets compared to AAHS - an aluminum placebo - Gardasil Vaccine Info.  AAHS is a highly toxic ingredient with a variety of adverse reactions - MSDS Report. Even compared to a toxic agent, Gardasil still has slightly greater adverse risks.  VAERS has claimed 18,000 REPORTED adverse reactions to Gardasil and so far 65 REPORTED deaths.  The key word is reported, because VAERS is a volunteer company that depends on reported cases and warns that numbers are highly effected due to Under reported incidences or dismissed cases by family doctors - does vaccination make any sense?)

CDC recommends HPV vaccine for boys
- Associated Press
(After a 1.1 Billion dollar revenue in the first nine months for Gardasil, Merck's stock has dropped 3 percent collecting only $219 Million (oh so sad) and they are scrambling to figure out what went wrong.  Seriously?  It's obvious isn't it?  A good business can't profit with a limited consumer base (girls from 9-26), right?  Everyone knows a business needs to expand its market - good job Merck for tapping into the boys 9-26 market - does vaccination make any sense?)

Texas Mandates Cervical Cancer Vaccine
- CBS news
(Wait - now they are forcing kids to get vaccinated?  The whole idea of mandating vaccines may pose more of a threat than the actual vaccine.  I looked at my shot records and it's only a third of how many kids are required to have now.  The numbers are increasing.  Research is now looking into how multiple shots can have serious effects.  This is also a business decision taking advantage of a faulty "herd immunity" theory.  The goal of these vaccines is to get 100% vaccinated.  There are 5,000 deaths a year from cervical cancer.  Merck has stated that if 100% are vaccinated they could save 1,000 people dying from cervical cancer.  Do the math - that is only 20% efficacy - does vaccination make any sense?)

Parents of 2,300 students who failed to get needed vaccinations could be fined or thrown in jail
- Washington Post
(Isn't there something wrong with this picture?  Putting people in jail for not vaccinating their kids.  Penalizing parents for saving their kids from chronic diseases, inflammation, decreased mental function, asthma, heart dysfunction paralysis, cancer, alzheimers, autism and many, many more conditions that can and possibly will occur because of vaccines - does vaccination make any sense?)

California 12 year olds to be vaccinated without parents knowing
- Project Avalon
(Okay - these guys are sick.  No one is buying into the vaccine so now they have to not only force it on people, but now justify that sixth graders are competent enough to agree to taking a vaccine without parental consent.  Without knowing your child could be vaccinated.  Seriously, I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm really not, but when Big Pharma goes out and forces people to take their product so they can take in Billions and not take any responsibility for any injuries or death (you can't sue vaccine companies) that doesn't sit well with me.  Something isn't right - does vaccination make any sense?)

Vaccines are expected to bring in more than 35 Billion dollars in 2012
- Vaccine Business Congress
(The truth is that Vaccines is now a business.  The Vaccine Business Congress is a group made up of Vaccine companies which had a website which somehow has now been removed.  However, there is a PDF file online that contains all the details of that very website - claiming that $35 Billion will be made in 2012 in just vaccines alone.  The truth is that the Gardasil vaccine is getting such a lime light because of the Presidential and other elections.  Rick Perry who first ordered a mandate for the HPV vaccine for Texas is closely tied to Merck and the Women In Government who are pushing for the vaccine.  There are more lobbyists in government now for vaccines than any other organization.  This system is tainted.  What once used to be a noble cause has been corrupted and the majority of citizens are the victims.  There is a case in which a girl was influenced to take the Gardasil shot from television ads.  On her third shot, she began to experience serious symptoms - paralysis, epilepsy, strokes, vasculitis, nausea, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms.  A 16 year old girl to prevent herself from a "terrible" virus is now taking 40 pills a day - $2,000 a month out of pocket - to treat these symptoms.  Not only did the companies get their $400 for the three required shots, but that's just chump change when compared to the $2,000 monthly income they out rightly know will be coming in and greedily expect.  It's terrible - does vaccination make any sense . . . for the pharmaceutical companies it sure does - lots of it - I'm just saying . . . )


  1. I thought I'd read a blog by you somewhere...so I went and found it today! Once again, I had to stand up for myself with our family doctor and our decision to delay immunizations. It was annoying and disheartening at the same time. I'm glad you posted this so I could go back and remind myself why I decided some things a while ago. I just want TO KNOW what the options are, what the effects are, and make an educated decision. It is frustrating to feel like pieces of the truth are always missing...

    1. I'm sorry for my late response. It can be very frustrating dealing with doctors, nurses, and schools. A majority of people blindly follow not knowing one thing or another, and the one person who takes the time to think and educate themselves on vaccines gets ridiculed and treated as if they are the one that doesn't know anything. Hang in there. I do have another post on here that is more specific to what vaccines really are. Unfortunately there really is no one answer. I would like to KNOW as well, but those at the top ignore any pleas to do the research and purposely fail to provide any answers. If it wasn't for school, I wouldn't even have known where to begin. There is no Yes or No - there is only "IS THIS RIGHT FOR MY CHILD?" and fight for that right. If you have any questions, let me know
