
WELCOME- My name is Tyson Devereux. I grew up in the Boise/Meridian area. I chose to be a chiropractor because the chiropractors in my life were filled with passion and love - and I may not have known what chiropractic was - All I knew was that I wanted to have a career and life filled with the same love and passion and satisfaction helping others. I attended Parker University which was an amazing experience. It was a long journey and not only did a gain that love and passion I was seeking, but I came back with a message - a message of health and wellness.

I started this blog when I was just starting my journey through school. I plan to continue this blog now as a practicing doctor - to utilize this media to share my message to anyone willing to listen. I know this blog can or will be useful to anyone who desires to read it. I will try to post as frequently as I can. As well as, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask . . or even provide any addition answers or insight. So come and enjoy the fountain of knowledge, or just have fun feeding the fish.

My goal - To provide helpful information, to make it available to help one another, to take control of our lives, and to take back our Health

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vaccines- Let's Discuss

I first feel like I need to apologize for doing a vaccine post. I told myself that this was one subject I wasn't going to touch on, and I've gone back and forth on this decision.  I know my choice may open up debate, and subject myself to criticism, but hey, at least I might finally get a comment on my blog.

I usually post information I have learned in class or other forms of information provided in my education.  I am on break right now, so this is not a lecture of some sort.  Rather, I have had much exposure to vaccine education and I will try to provide as much research and articles I can on certain subjects, mixed with my own honest opinions.  And when I say honest- I will come out and say that I am not for nor am I against vaccines.  This is not an idle position.  I have my own stance on the subject, planted firmly with conviction, but I feel that I do not have the right to force people one way or the other.  It is my responsibility however to provide complete information that will allow for others to make their own choices using reason and logic and not fear and persuasion.  I admit, I may sound a bit bias in this blog, but that's part of the reason for this post.  I recently have read on article which resembles how people are sadly misled and misinformed. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/cost-vaccine-refusal/

This article put blame on the unvaccinated people for starting a measle outbreak and costing $800,000 for the government to contain it.  Sounds pretty scary.  Really?  This article is filled with fear and misleading and incomplete information.  Was anyone seriously hurt?  I counted one in the ICU and another had sever asthma attacks, but that was only 2 people out of how many? 14? 21? 363? Their numbers seem to vary. And I failed to read anyone dying.  And I love how they bring in the children and mention someone with Down Syndrome and someone with Brain Cancer to play with the reader's emotions and yet never really say what happened as a result.  Probably because nothing did.  Let me see if I can fill in the missing sentence. "And infected, among others someone with brain cancer and someone with Down Syndrome . . . who came down with a fever, cough and cold for a fews days and soon fully recovered." Hmm, sounds very serious. And my favorite- How much is $800,000?  Is it a lot?  It sounds like a lot, but it's interesting how the article never explains anything or puts it into any comparison.  So it costs $800,000 unnecessarily spent to contain a disease that had no real threat.  Let's compare.  How much does it cost to vaccinate?  How much does it cost to pay to treat the side effects of these vaccinations? And how much money goes right into the pockets of the Pharmaceutical companies?  Funny how the article doesn't mention any more numbers.  Sounds incomplete to me, but most bias and fear based articles are.

It's articles like these that make me frustrated, only telling one side of the story and completely ignoring the other side.  But I say again I am not bias.  If there was an article saying that vaccines were evil and had no benefits- I would be the first to raise my hand and ask, "Did you forget about Polio and Small Pox?"  So, it's not a matter of whose right and whose wrong, it's a matter of being fair to the reader and provide the whole truth.  And if an article is going to attack one side, it's fair game to be put into question- as it should be.  But the one second I question this article, I get put with the stigma of, "You're just trying to stir controversy"  Really?  I never questioned vaccines, nor did I say anything "Controversial", I was just simply questioning the integrity of the article.  If one is going to be offensive over being questioned, sounds a little fishy to me.

My comments were called "controversial" by a friend who just recently graduated as an RN.  I was soon humbled by her vast knowledge on the subject and incredible research. (when I say "vast", I mean copied and paste and when I say "research", I mean studies manipulated by the pharmaceutical companies).  I was then asked to share my research.  First, I prefer logic over manipulated research.  Second, even if I did share any research, it would be labeled "unreliable" before even reading it.  Sorry, I'm not going to play "My dad is stronger than your dad" game.  I don't play those games.  Rather, I would like to play the, "Your dad is a dishonest Billionaire who takes advantage of his consumers for his gain who sacrifices health and ethics over money" game.  Let's play

What Are Vaccines?
          Vaccines are "a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease." (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vaccine)
"A suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), or of antigenic proteins derived from them, administered for prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases"
(http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/vaccine).  It was Edward Jenner who first discovered the idea of vaccines over 200 years ago when he noticed that the milkmaids who often became sick with cow pox, never got sick with small pox.  He put this to a test, injecting the neighbor's boy who had never been exposed to cow or small pox with the cow pox disease.  Weeks later, he injected the same boy with small pox and the boy never developed symptoms.  This was the beginning of modern day vaccines. (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/vaccines/research/Pages/cowsVaccines.aspx).  Since then, through the several decades when society has been plagued by a disease, vaccines have been formed to help protect the public, which includes Yellow fever, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Small Pox, Rubella, Rabies, Polio, Pneumonia, Mumps, Measles, Lyme's Disease, Hepatitis, Diptheria, Influenza, and several others that have recently developed.  I agree with Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani when saying that "Vaccination makes a lot of sense and the intention is honorable."

What Are The Results?
          This is the debatable issue, each side arguing one way or the other.  Using the MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella) vaccine, since this is the one in question from the article and often the most debated, the product insert stated on the Merck website states, "For measles, 894,134 cases reported in 1941 compared to 288 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.97% decrease in reported cases; for mumps, 152,209 cases reported in 1968 compared to 840 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.45% decrease in reported cases; and for rubella, 57,686 cases reported in 1969 compared to 200 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.65% decrease."  Sounds impressive.  Even certain websites show graphs of dramatic decline in cases since the introduction of vaccines. (http://vaccinateyourchildren.wordpress.com/graphs-and-data).  While on the other hand, other websites argue that these same diseases were already in decline before the vaccines were administered. (http://www.vaccineinitiative.org/?p=290).  While both of these websites seem to be impressive one way or the other, in reality these websites are both flawed.  While those against vaccines show a decline before vaccinations, they only refer to deaths and not the number of cases.  Those pro vaccinations ignore the decline in deaths, but show the number of cases remained the same until the vaccinations were administered.  They argue that even though deaths were low, some of these cases included serious complications.  What they don't tell you is that these serious complications are rare.  In most cases, these diseases are treatable and soon recoverable.  "The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger." -Dr Buchwald, M.D.
But if vaccines have declined incidence, then there should be nothing to treat anyway.  Sounds good to me.  Graphs show a decline in cases of most of these diseases, but I question- At what price?

What Are The Effects Of The Disease vs Vaccination?
          This is where it gets interesting.  The CDC states that symptoms and complications of the Measles include fever, runny nose, cough, and rash with complications of ear infection, pneumonia, encephalitis, miscarriage in women who are pregnant, and possible death (in undeveloped countries). (http://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/overview.html)
More complications include Strep, Blindness, Bronchitis, Hepatitis, SSPE, deafness, convulsions, and paralysis.  However, this same source states that the Measles primarily occur in children ages 6-15 years of age, where before vaccines almost every child had and recovered from Measles before the age of 15 yrs.  Following that statement, we read, "measles in teenagers and adults or in very young infants can be much more severe with serious complications." (http://www.nvic.org/Vaccines-and-Diseases/MMR.aspx).  So before vaccines, the measles were in children who often recovered without complications.  Now due to vaccinations, most cases of measles are now found in older children and adults which have more serious effects.  It also mentions the infants as well, but studies show that vaccines don't protect the infants anyway.  Vaccines are not supposed to be administered to children under the age of 15 months, and have never been studied for the effects of the vaccine under the age of 12 months.  And the mother who is vaccinated does not pass on antibodies to the child, while the mother who had natural measles will pass on antibodies to protect the child for the first year of life.  So, who is hurting the newborn child?  The natural measles where the mother passes on antibodies to protect the child, or vaccines where the infant is left with no antibodies for protection. I'll let you decide
So what about the effects of vaccines- looking at the MMR.  Here we go.  Panniculitis; atypical measles; fever; syncope; headache; dizziness; malaise; irritability; vasculitis; pancreatitis; diarrhea; vomiting; parotitis; nausea; diabetes mellitus; thrombocytopenia; purpura; regional lymphadenopathy; leukocytosis; anaphylaxis; phenomena; angioneurotic edema; bronchial spasm; arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia; encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE); subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome (GBS); febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia; pneumonitis; sore throat; cough; rhinitis; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; urticaria; rash; measles-like rash; pruritis; burning/stinging at injection site; wheal and flare; redness; swelling; induration; tenderness; vesiculation at injection site; nerve deafness; otitis media; retinitis; optic neuritis; papillitis; retrobulbar neuritis; conjunctivitis; epididymitis; orchitis - and oh yeah Death.  Did you get all that.  And that's just from the vaccine directly, not to mention other indirect effects.  True, some of these conditions are rare, but when you start to add all the rare things together- They aren't exactly rare anymore.  My favorite is how the symptoms and complications of the natural measles are included in the complications of the vaccination- so what is the vaccine really doing?

Do Vaccines Prevent Disease?
          This was one subject I was called out on, asking if I didn't care about prevention.  Wait, when did the medical profession care about prevention, the same ones who prescribe one pill to take care of the effects of another.  I'm sorry, when someone came to you with diabetes symptoms- did you change their diet to prevent the progression of diabetes, or did you put them on insulin and watch them slowly decline?  Oh wait, so what you saying is that vaccines are suppose to prevent diseases.  Ok, let's take a look.  Some sources tell you that vaccines "create immunity that protects you from an infection without causing the suffering of the disease itself" (http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/vs-sv/vs-faq01-eng.php).  What they don't tell you is that it only boosts immunity for that particular disease.  The remaining results are staggering.  "Vaccinations depress our body's immune functions and that keeps us open to developing many other diseases" (http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/immune_suppression.htm).  There are several ways in which vaccines depress our immune system, but in general, the inoculation of a germ makes our immune system so tied up to that one particular disease that we become vulnerable to everything else.  Other diseases associated with vaccines due to immune suppression is Autism, Brain Damage, Seizures, Lymphatic Disease, Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes.  These aren't things to take very lightly.

"Cancer and other vile diseases are daily inflicted on virtuous families by vaccination." - Dr Edward Haughton, BAMD, MRCS
"Experts say 98 million Americans who took polio shots in the 1950s and 1960s may get a deadly brain cancer from the inoculations ... Researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center say that a virus contaminated the polio vaccine and they have now found genetic material from the virus in a number of brain cancer victims." - Dr Jacob Rachlin quoted from Weekly World News of Lantana
When I think of vaccine prevention, I think of a basketball shoe.  Yes, a basketball shoe.  The basketball shoe has been developed over time, mainly to have a high top to prevent ankle injuries that often plagued basketball players.  In this noble cause they failed to acknowledge the poor support for the foot.  The lack of foot support has caused the foot arch to drop, creating flat feet and compromising the integrity of the structure of the foot.  Due to this change in structure, the knee is soon effected, and then hip and eventually the low back.  Soon enough over time one is complaining of foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, and back pain, but by golly they sure did prevent the ankle injury.  Vaccines are the same in fashion.  They do boost immunity for that particular disease, failing to cope for any other diseases that the body remains vulnerable to.

Is It Lying If You Don't Say Anything?
          I admit, this subject title is provocative, while I could just put, "What is in the vaccine?", but it wouldn't really prove my point.  I would be more pro vaccine if the injection was merely the disease like back in England 200 years ago with good old Edward Jenner.  I believe the birth of vaccinations started out as a noble and honorable task to protect the public.  Unfortunately, that same goal has been distorted.  In modern day vaccinations, the germ is accompanied with a variety of ingredients that are harmful.  It is shocking to me that many sources, even those pro vaccines show a list, maybe modified, but yet they do show a list of ingredients that are included, but yet act as if these ingredients have no effect.  Really?  They can't ignore that vaccines contain Mercury- and yet they mention it and pass it by as if it is not a neurotoxin or doesn't destroy the brain cells.

The reality of vaccines is the same as the reality of Dairy.  What do you hear about Dairy?  What are it's nutritional benefits?  Calcium . . . and that's pretty much it.  And using the logic that calcium is good for your bones, they add in the idea that "it does a body good".  What a Lie - Because what they don't tell you is that dairy also contains fats, phosphorus (which counteracts with the calcium, sometimes reversing it), bovine proteins which exceeds any amount a human really needs and is different than human milk, and several hormones (Both natural and injected).  While studies show dairy never has been proven to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, what you aren't told is that dairy is associated with most children allergies, GI diseases, diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and several other diseases.  And all you hear is how healthy Dairy is.  Probably the biggest Lie- well, besides vaccines.

Here are some ingredients found in vaccines. Let's take a look at what they don't tell you:

  1. Mercury - (Thimerosal) - Neurotoxin and decrease mental function (while arguing that Mercury has no effect, they have taken it out of vaccines, all except the Flu vaccine- probably making it the most dangerous)
  2. Aluminum - A toxin also decreases mental function, associated with Alzheimer's disease
  3. Formaldehyde - carcinogenic
  4. Antibiotics - cause of allergies
  5. Acetone - neurotoxin
  6. Antifreeze - cardiovascular dysfunction and acute kidney failure
  7. Gelatin - cause of allergies
  8. Egg Yolk - cause of allergies
  9. 2-phenoxyethanol - toxic to cells and immune depressent
  10. MSG - allergies, seizures, and brain tumors.
And those are just a few to mention.  There is also a list of preservatives.  Preservatives?  The Billionaires don't want to lose money, so just use preservatives and keep them on the shelf.  And I thought Twinkies were bad.  To be honest, if I had to choose a vaccine and a twinkie- I would chose the twinkie.  At least I would enjoy it- and have a greater chance to live longer.

If vaccines aren't preventive, then how can one protect themselves from diseases?  According to an article, the recent outbreak of Cholera in Haiti has shown incredible understanding of disease prevention.  The article states that those with proper hygiene, clean water, and good health are protected against the disease much more than those in poor living conditions.  Even more surprising is that it states that vaccines are no use, or at least will not be as effective as good living conditions.  (http://blogs.agu.org/geospace/2011/02/17/clean-water-education-haiti-cholera).  So what does that say about true prevention?  The key to protection is good health and building our immune system naturally.

Last Question - Where Is The Money?
          I truly would hope one would ask the question - Why is it so forced upon us to get vaccinated?  Hopefully this will enlighten any thoughts.  The medical doctors who force these vaccines on all of us are "Trained" at a medical school which is funded by the Pharmaceutical companies . . . who by the way provide the very vaccines given.  (Sounds like a conflict of interest to me).  And why don't we hear about this . . . oh yeah, they also fund the "Research".  The Pharmaceutical company is a Billion dollar industry.  You think they care about your health?  They just care about the money.  Just look at the H1N1 vaccine.  That vaccine was mass produced within months- untested- and for what- to protect us against a disease that was less threatening than the more common Flu.  And what about the Flu vaccine?  There are thousands of strands of the Flu and it changes every year.  There is no way a vaccine can prevent the Flu- yet, we are forced to get the vaccine.  It's the biggest scam of the medical profession.  What about the HPV vaccine?  Studies are now finding that the vaccine doesn't prevent cancer, and in fact in some cases can cause cancer.  I just found a website where they are now testing a vaccine for MRSA (a superbug that was created by the medical profession) and also for Traveler's Diarrhea. What?  Really?  Let's see how this conversation goes:
Patient:  I'm traveling and I'm afraid of getting Traveler's Diarrhea
Doctor:  Well, we have a vaccine for that
Patient:  But doesn't the side effect consist of Diarrhea
Doctor:  Not Traveler's Diarrhea, just "Diarrhea" symptoms

If you thought that was funny, check out this bit of info:
"VACCINES are the continuing success story, earning over $27 billion in 2009 alone, despite difficult economic times for the pharmaceutical industry . . . By 2012, vaccines are expected to bring in more than $35 billion in revenue." (http://www.iirusa.com/vbc/home.xml)

"Novavax Awarded $179M Contract by U.S. Govt:" (http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2011/03/01/novavax-awarded-17m-contract-govt-develop-flu-vaccines/)

"VaxInnate receives $196 million federal contract" (http://www.nj.com/business/times/index.ssf?/base/business-5/1303451138281250.xml&coll=5)

Are you kidding me.  Not only are these companies making Billions off of us- They are funded by the Government.  And that's just for vaccines alone.  Ethics have been thrown out the window.  We are taken advantage of.  We are being lied to.  They are making Billions based on our health, and I can't even question it?  If trying to be truthful is "Controversial"- then let's start stirring things up!


  1. Thanks for the article... We are struggling with the same arguments from both sides and this was a nice piece exposing a lot of the half-truths that we hear every day. Nice work!!!

  2. One of the things that really bothers me with some of the vaccines is that they used aborted embryo's to develop them. not many people know that.

  3. Tyson

    I found the link to your blog from a mutual friend's facebook page. I respect your opinion about vaccines, and in some aspects I agree with you. It would be close to impossible to find someone in the medical community who would argue that vaccines are 100% safe and effective. I think it's good to raise questions regarding their safety and efficacy, as well as the motivation behind those who promote them. I do have some questions and comments however.

    Why is the word "training" in quotes when discussing the training of physicians at medical schools? Is there something you believe to be deficient or dishonest about my training that warrants the use of quotations?

    Half truths are not best fought with more half truths. Yes, some medical schools do receive a portion of funding from pharmaceutical companies, but they are by and large federally funded. Unless you consider the government and pharm companies to be one and the same, you are not being honest with your readers. Also, to imply that physicians care nothing about prevention is also a half truth at best and completely disingenuous at worst, as it is apparent you are uninformed as to how the medical community treats diabetes. Additionally, your blurb about flu vaccines is incorrect and demonstrates a further lack of knowledge regarding their development and efficacy. The flu vaccine changes year to year to reflect the most prevalent and dangerous strains.

    When valid research negates the previously believed link between vaccines and autism, you can't simply dismiss it because you believe it's funded by the pharm companies. If we all get to play that game, I can dismiss recent research showing vaccine harm because it is written by lawyers who make a lot of money filing vaccine related lawsuits. Pharm companies aren't the only ones making money off our health.

    You began this article claiming to be unbiased, but I believe your bias is clear. People who question and probe the status quo are the ones who develop better, safer ways to take care of people, and it's obvious you possess those traits and will do well by your patients. Unfortunately, your honest intentions are difficult to discern through your sweeping generalizations and obvious disdain for those who have different initials after their names but share your same motivations.

  4. Thank you M for your comments. I think its posts like that, that will help all of us in health care open up about these subjects and hopefully find better ways to treat our patients. I still claim unbiased on the matter, however I know how my post may come off due to frustrations over an over the top biased article.

    I did not put quotes on the word Training to mock or discredit the physician. I know medical doctors work hard and have a great desire to learn and educate themselves to help their patients. I do question where the education comes from, but my remark may be unfair to say. But I do claim however that the Pharm. companies have their hands in the government's pockets. As I shared, these companies are not only making Billions in profits, but are also funded by the government. Also another thing is that there is legislation at the moment trying to make the Pharm. companies not responsible for any harm done due to vaccines - as well as legislation trying to be passed making vaccines mandatory. Sounds like the Pharm companies are hand in hand with the government to me.

    I may not know from direct resources how the medical profession treats diabetes, but I can state that diabetes are becoming more and more prevalent, and nothing is done to correct this disease while studies have shown clearly that a strict diet and exercise can and will eliminate diabetes. I can see where I let out some frustration here, and I do apologize if there was anything I said that offended anyone.

    I still hold my position on the Flu vaccine. It's just mere logic. The Flu strain changes each year, it is impossible to have any valid vaccine to prevent the Flu. As well as the Flu vaccine is the only one left that uses Mercury in it's ingredients, a metal known to be harmful to the body and brain in which all other vaccines have gotten rid of.

    As for Autism, the debate can go on and on with one side discrediting the other. I don't think I even touched on the subject, because the debate can be heated without any real discussion. That's what is so frustrating - is that we don't get honest answers from both sides. I agree, both sides both have their agendas. But it's frustrating when I get criticized for questioning one's obvious agenda. I have made some generalizations, which is fair to call me on, but I don't have any disdain for the medical profession- well, not for the physicians who are truly doing their best for their patients. My only bias in this article is against the one sided information presented to the public.

    I am glad you commented, and brought an honest opinion to the table, and hopefully we can take these ideas and improve upon them for the sake of our patients.
